项目名称: 梅花花香相关BAHD家族基因挖掘及功能分析
项目编号: No.31471906
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 张启翔
作者单位: 北京林业大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 花香是植物重要的特征,在自然界有保障植物授粉结实、防御病虫的作用。花香能提高花卉的观赏性,花香产品在食品、日化、医疗保健等方面都有重要作用。梅花相对其它李属植物能够释放独特的花香,而乙酸苯甲酯是梅花香气的主要成分。乙酸苯甲酯的生成与酰基转移酶的参与有关,植物中存在多种被命名为BAHD的酰基转移酶基因。BAHD家族在次生代谢中有着重要的修饰作用,涉及包括醇类在内的多种反应底物,不同的酰基转移酶有不同的底物选择性。目前国内外未见通过挖掘BAHD家族信息成功获得高效催化苯环类底物基因研究的报道。本研究以梅花基因组中存在的BAHD家族基因为研究对象,通过生物信息学、基因表达分析、纯化蛋白体外酶促反应、转基因模式植物等方法挖掘该家族基因并进行功能分析,以期能够确定梅花中特异利用苯甲醇生成乙酸苯甲酯的基因。该研究能进一步了解BAHD家族的底物选择性,阐明梅花花香分子机理,并为李属香花育种提供支持。
中文关键词: 梅花;BAHD;花香;基因功能
英文摘要: Floral scent is an important characteristic for attracting pollinators to ensure the product of the crop and to protect the plants from enemies. Floral scent can enhance the value of ornamental plants and cut flowers. The products of floral scent have always been used in food, cosmetic and health care. Prunus mume has been cultivated in China for a long times, it can emit characteristic floral scent differing from the other Prunus species. Benzyl acetate is the dominant compound of the volatiles of the P. mume. Acyltransferase is involved in the biosynthesis of benzyl acetate, a large family of acyltransferases named BAHD were discovered recently in plants. The BAHD members are used as modifying enzymes that catalyze different substrates including alcohols in secondary metabolites. However, the catalytic versatility of individual enzymes varies extensively. The metabolic pathway of benzenoids has received considerable attention in recent years. In our research, based on the predicted BAHD members, the bioinformatics, gene expression profiling, in vitro enzymatic reaction and transgenosis in model plant will be used for the gene mining and function study of specificity genes which catalyzed benzyl alcohol to benzyl acetate in P. mume. These analyses will enrich the substrate specificity of BAHD members. In addition, this study enable us to execute further investigation of the molecular mechanism and evolutionary process of floral scent in P. mume, and it is also essential for floral scent breeding of Prunus species.
英文关键词: Prunus mume;BAHD;Floral scent;Gene function