项目名称: 页岩气储层岩石物理及其地震响应机理研究
项目编号: No.U1262207
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 陈小宏
作者单位: 中国石油大学(北京)
项目金额: 270万元
中文摘要: 我国地质历史时期富有机质页岩十分发育,页岩气勘探开发前景广阔。结合岩石物理与地震技术研究可以实现页岩气储层分布、厚度以及物性、含气性有效预测,并能利用储层各向异性和波场特征等信息表征裂隙发育及应力场分布,实现页岩气开发井轨迹设计。本项目针对页岩气储层岩石物理及其地震响应机理的科学问题开展系统科学的研究,利用电子显微镜与岩石孔隙三维成像等技术实现页岩气储层岩石微结构与孔隙特征定量描述;通过储层压裂过程岩石物理弹性参数实验测量、裂缝特征CT成像以及微震监测,定量分析储层压裂过程中岩石结构与岩石物理参数变化特征;综合地震物理模型、地震数值模拟、横波分裂分析和资料应用试验分析,明确页岩气储层地震波传播特征与储层表征机理。项目研究将为我国地质条件页岩气资源评价方法及标准形成提供可靠依据,为页岩气储层地震识别、综合评价及相关新技术开发奠定理论与实验基础,对推动我国页岩气勘探开发具有重要作用。
中文关键词: 页岩气;岩石物理;地震响应;油藏表征;模拟
英文摘要: Organic-rich shale is widely developed in China geological history, so shale gas exploration and development have promising prospect. The effective combination of rock physics and seismic technology can realize effective prediction of shale reservoir distribution, thickness and the physical properties. And it also can characterize reservoir fracture development, stress distribution, and design horizontal well trajectory using reservoir anisotropy, wave field data and other information. In the project, we will conduct systemic and scientific researches on shale gas reservoir rock physics and seismic response mechanism. Using electron microscopy and 3D imaging technology, the gas shale reservoir rock microstructure and pore feature is quantitatively characterized. Through rock physical elastic parameters measurement, CT imaging of fracture characteristics, as well as micro-seismic monitoring in the fracturing process of shale gas reservoir, we quantitatively analyze of rock structure and rock physical parameter variations in fracturing process of shale gas reservoir. By combinations of seismic physical model, seismic numerical simulation, and data analysis of S wave split and seismic data application, we can ensure seismic wave propagation characteristics and reservoir characterization mechanism of shale gas reser
英文关键词: shale gas;rock physics;seismic response;reservoir characterization;simulation