项目名称: 异化金属还原菌转化重金属过程中的电子传递机制研究
项目编号: No.41471260
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 地质学
项目作者: 赵峰
作者单位: 中国科学院城市环境研究所
项目金额: 81万元
中文摘要: 重金属污染已成为一个突出的环境和社会问题。生物修复技术因具有处理费用低、对环境影响小、效率高等优点而受到人们的广泛关注。深入理解生物修复过程的机制和限制因素能够为构建高效的重金属污染控制技术提供理论指导。异化金属还原菌具有强大的金属代谢能力,对金属的转化/迁移有着重要的影响。目前,使用电化学方法研究微生物修复重金属污染机理的工作相对较少。本研究选取有代表性的异化金属还原菌,针对不溶性矿物质、金属离子和固体电极开展电子传递机制的研究;综合运用电分析化学、微电极技术、分子生物学、傅立叶变换衰减全反射红外光谱等,揭示微生物胞外电子传递在重金属还原/富集中的作用;通过对比野生型和基因缺陷型菌株与金属的作用,阐明菌体表面蛋白在重金属转化中的功能;从电子传递角度揭示微生物修复重金属污染的机制和主要限制因素;为土壤中重金属污染物的有效控制提供理论支持。
中文关键词: 重金属;异化金属还原菌;胞外电子传递;电化学;氧化还原
英文摘要: The pollution of heavy metal has become an irritating environmental and social problem. The understanding of bioremediation mechanism provides a theoretical feasibility for effective elimination of heavy metal pollution. Dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria have a strong metal-reducing ability, which has important implication on the metal migration and transformation. In this study, three kinds of representative dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria were selected, insoluble minerals (Fe2O3), metal ion (Cd2+) and solid electrodes were used to study electron transfer reactions, respectively. With the help of electrochemical techniques, molecular biology and ART-FTIR, electron transport pathways between the bacteria and metal/electrode will be investigated. Extracellular electron transfer reveals the role in metal transformation/enrichment by dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria. Comparing the performance of wild-type and mutant strain, the function of membrane proteins in the respiratory chain can be used to address heavy metals reduction. In this study, the electron transfer will be introduced to understand the interactions between dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria and metals, meanwhile this project will provide a theoretical support to an effective treatment of heavy metal pollutants.
英文关键词: Heavy Metal;Dissimilatory Metal Reduction Bacteria;Extracellular Electron Transfer;Electrochemistry;Redox