项目名称: 基于不同穴位对IBS模型大鼠脑内不同核团神经元放电影响的经穴效应特异性研究
项目编号: No.81473776
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 任晓暄
作者单位: 北京中医药大学
项目金额: 71万元
中文摘要: 本研究以肠易激综合症(IBS)大鼠模型为研究媒介,采用神经元单位放电多通道同步记录技术,将多个电极分别埋置在迷走神经背核、丘脑、前扣带回皮层内。在大鼠清醒状态下,记录电针大鼠 足三里、内关 、大肠俞、天枢、合谷、印堂穴对各核团内神经元放电的影响;在记录神经元放电的同时,同步观察大鼠内脏痛和情绪心理变化的行为学反应。再结合对结肠内Cajal细胞的结构和数目、前扣带回皮质中谷氨酸受体(NMDA受体)mRNA表达以及粪便性状和规律的观察。直接客观地分析电针不同穴位时,对大鼠IBS的不同症状(腹痛、情绪行为变化、肠道功能紊乱)及其病理改变(内脏高敏感性、精神心理改变、肠道动力异常)的影响。从患病机体的整体出发,探讨各穴位之间是否存在穴位效应特异性,以及穴位效应特异性与它们的经脉联系和所在躯体部位的关系,进而阐释经穴效应特异性是否具有相对性和整体性。
中文关键词: 经穴效应特异性;肠易激综合症;针刺;神经元放电;多通道记录
英文摘要: Recorded the influence of neural activities of different central nucleus of Electric-acupuncture(EA) different acupoints on the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) model rat. The brain nuclei discharge is recorded by embedded the multiple electrodes in Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve, Thalamus, The anterior cingulate cortex separately by using the technique of multiple channel single -unit recording in awake freely-moving animals. In the state of awake rats , at the same time of recorded the change of EA ST36(Zusanli), PC6(Neiguan), BL25(Dachangshu ),ST25 ( Tianshu), LI4(Hegu ),GV29 (yintang) acupoint on nuclei discharge of different central nucleus, observed the behavior change of Visceral pain and emotional and psychological disorders. Otherwise, several Molecular markers are assayed that include the distributed, number and configuration of the Cajal cells of colon, the glutamate receptor (NMDA receptor) mRNA expression of the anterior cingulate cortex. And the characteristics and pattern of stool are observed. Analysised objectively the influences of EA different acupoints on different symptoms (abdominal pain, emotional and behavioral changes, bowel function disorders) and pathology (visceral hypersensitivity, emotional and psychological disorders, intestinal motility disorders) of IBS rat. From the entirety of diseased body, to investigate the specific effects of different acupoints , as well as the specific effects of acupoints relationships with their meridians belong and various parts of the body, then explain the Relativity and entirety of specificity of acupoint effects.
英文关键词: specificity of acupoint effect;irritable bowel syndrome;acupuncture;neuronal discharge;mult-channel recording technique