项目名称: 服务性企业员工授权对顾客授权的影响
项目编号: No.70802064
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 轻工业、手工业
项目作者: 韩小芸
作者单位: 中山大学
项目金额: 18万元
中文摘要: 顾客和服务人员都在服务过程中扮演重要角色。越来越多的学者认同"顾客是企业的兼职员工"的观点。服务性企业要提高服务质量,不仅应充分对员工授权,灵活为顾客服务,而且应对顾客授权,让顾客参与服务工作,帮助顾客扮演好自己的角色。现有文献中,组织行为学者对员工授权进行了大量系统的研究,营销学者却忽视了"顾客授权"这一概念。我们认为,不仅服务人员的行为会影响顾客对消费经历的评估,顾客在服务消费过程中的行为也会影响服务消费的结果;此外,服务人员的行为还会影响顾客的行为。然而,目前学术界对授权问题的研究都集中于单一层次(员工或顾客),很少有学者探讨组织不同层次授权之间的关系。在本项研究中,我们首先设计并检验了一套"顾客心理授权"的量表,并采用实证研究方法,探讨了顾客心理授权与服务公平性、顾客服务质量、顾客参与、顾客教育、顾客满意感、顾客公民行为之间的关系,同时还探讨了组织授权、组织授权氛围、员工心理授权、员工服务质量与顾客心理授权、顾客服务质量、顾客满意感之间的关系。我们的研究结果丰富了国内外学术界对授权的研究,尤其是顾客授权以及不同层次授权之间的关系研究具有很大的创新性,对今后的研究有较大的参考价值
中文关键词: 组织授权;员工心理授权;顾客心理授权;服务评估;多层次模型
英文摘要: Customer and employee both play important roles in service encounter. "customers are part-time employees of service firm" has been accepted by more and more scholars. To improve service quality, not only service provider but also customer should be empowered. Researchers majoring in organization behavior have done lots of researches about employee empowerment, but seldom research has been done about customer empowerment in marketing. we proposed that both customers' behavior and employees' behavior can affect the outcome of service encounter. besides this, employees' behavior will affect customers' behavior in service.However, most researches about empowerment focus on one level(employee or customer), seldom researchers explored the relationships among different level empowerments in firm. In this study, we developed a scale for customer psychological empowerment, and then tested the relationships between customer psychological empowerment and other customer-level variables, including service fairness,customer service quality,customer participation, customer education,customer satisfaction and customer citizenship behavior. besides this, we also tested the relationships among organization empowerment,climate for organization empowerment,employee pschological empowerment, employee service quality,customer psychological empowerment, customer service quality, and customer satisfaction. Our researches contribute the empowerment theory in customer empowerment and relationships among different levels in service firm.
英文关键词: organization empowerment; employee psychological empowerment; customer psychological empowerment; service evaluation; multi-level model