项目名称: 微波集成OAM波束产生、传输及抗衰落研究
项目编号: No.61461052
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 黄铭
作者单位: 云南大学
项目金额: 43万元
中文摘要: 具有轨道角动量(OAM)的拉盖尔-高斯波束可以构成无穷维希尔伯特空间,因此,理论上相同的载频下利用OAM复用可获得无穷的传输能力。而如何产生具有任意模式数的涡旋波束,是研究涡旋波束与传播环境、气候条件和干扰相互作用的前提,是实现OAM高效复用传输的关键。回音壁(WG)模是一种形态依赖的谐振模式,是实现自由空间光OAM复用的核心技术之一。最近我们发现,若将褶皱金属结构弯曲形成闭环,则能够形成类表面WG模,有望在微波频段产生高模式数涡旋波束,实现微波集成OAM复用,提高无线电频谱利用率。因此,本项目拟研究类表面WG模产生机理和激励方法,以及基于类表面WG模产生微波集成涡旋波束的机理和OAM复用传输原理,结合微带技术设计基于褶皱金属环形谐振器的微波集成OAM收发器,并在云南省特殊的地理环境和气候条件下进行传输实验,解决共性基础理论和关键技术问题,促进微波集成OAM复用的基础理论和应用研究。
中文关键词: 轨道角动量无线通信;无线通信新体制;无线通信基础理论
英文摘要: Orbital angular momentum (OAM) of Laguerre-Gaussian beams can form infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. Therefore, a carrier using OAM muliplexing will have infinite transmission capacity theoretically. However, the excitation of spiral beam with arbitrary mode number is the premise for study the impact of transmission condictions, weather conditions and radio interference on OAM spiral beam. Also it is a key step towards the realization of efficient OAM multiplexing transmission. Whispering Gallery Mode (WG mode) is a kind of morphology-dependent resonance. It is one of the key technologies for realizing OAM multiplexing in the filed of free-space optical communication. Recently, we found that if a textured metal structure is bent around to form a closed loop, spoof surface WG mode can be excited. It is expected to realize the spiral beam with a high mode number, and then achieve OAM muliplexing at microwave band, which can improve the spectrum utilization. Therefore, this project aims to study the characteristic and mechanism of spoof surface WG mode, the mechanism for the exciation of spiral beam with a high mode number, and the principle of microwave OAM mulitplexing transmission. A prototype for microwave integrated OAM transceiver will be designed using the textured metal resonator ring, based on microstrip technology. Experiment and transmission test will be carried out under the special climatic and geographical environment conditions of Yunnan Province, with the aim to solve the common basic theoretical and key technique issues to promote the theory and application research of microwave integrated OAM multiplexing.
英文关键词: Orbital angular momentum wireless communication;New system of wireless communication;Fundamental theory of wireless communication