项目名称: 基于新型人工电磁媒质的高效无线能量传输与收集系统研究
项目编号: No.51477126
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 李龙
作者单位: 西安电子科技大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 新型人工电磁媒质(Metamaterials)是近年来提出的一种新概念和新材料,它的出现为人们设计可控的介电常数和磁导率材料提供了广阔的空间,为调控电磁波的传输提供了新的方法和手段。无线能量传输与收集技术亦是引领未来科技发展和新能源开发的一项重要科学技术,具有广阔的应用前景。本课题抓住两个新兴领域的切入点,深入开展基于电磁超材料的高效无线能量传输与收集关键技术研究。通过小型化超材料天线、超棱镜和电磁波集中器的设计以及能量隧穿效应理论研究、磁谐振无线能量传输与射频微能量收集的机制分析、超材料结构与能量传输/收集的集成一体化技术研究,探讨解决超材料在多输入多输出无线能量传输和收集系统应用设计中的核心问题,并研制基于电磁超材料的MIMO无线能量传输与收集演示验证系统。为适应无线移动终端和物联网的发展趋势,实现多功能综合一体化无线能量传输与收集系统提供创新解决方案。
中文关键词: 无线功率传输;电磁超材料;射频能量收集;多输入多输出;物联网
英文摘要: Electromagnetic metamaterials are artificial materials engineered to have novel concepts and properties proposed in recent years. The presence of metamaterials provides a broad space for people to design controllable permittivity and permeability materials, which also provides a new method to regulate the electromagnetic wave transmission. The wireless power transfer and harvesting (WPTH) is a significant technology for future development of science, technology, and new energy, which has broad application prospects. This project takes the proper access to these two emerging research fields to study the key theories and technologies of an efficient wireless power transfer and harvesting based on metamaterials. On one hand, we will carry out the research on miniaturized metamaterial antennas, superlens, electromagnetic wave concentrator designs, and wireless energy tunneling effect theory. On the other hand, we will give an in-depth insight into the mechanism of magnetic resonance wireless power transfer and RF micro-energy harvesting. Finally, we will develop the integrated technology research of metamaterial-based antennas and structures with the wireless power transfer and harvesting system. The project aims to solve the core problem of metamaterial applications to the multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) wireless power transfer and harvesting system. An experimental demonstration MIMO-WPTH system will be set up in this project. In order to meet the development trend of wireless mobile terminals and the internet of things, this project will provide innovative solutions to realize the integration of efficient and multi-function wireless power transfer and harvesting system using metamaterials.
英文关键词: Wireless Power Transfer;Metamaterials;Energy Harvesting;Multiple Input and Multiple Output(MIMO);Internet of Things