项目名称: 新型GFRP节能保温复合墙面板力学性能及破坏机理研究
项目编号: No.51508331
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 方明霁
作者单位: 上海师范大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 提高墙体保温效率是实现建筑节能的关键。现有传统保温墙板在使用中暴露出自重大、连接件易腐蚀、内部金属件易形成冷热桥、保温性能不足等缺陷。本项目拟针对基于质量轻、导热系数低的GFRP(Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer玻璃纤维增强复合材料)新材料的保温墙体开展理论和试验研究。旨在发展GFRP新型节能保温复合墙板的应用。主要内容包括:探索GFRP节能复合墙板的合理构造形式;研究GFRP复合墙板的基本力学性能、疲劳性能、热工性能及破坏机理;确定新型GFRP连接件在多种工况下的力学性能和设计方法;提出GFRP复合墙板的理论计算公式和设计方法。通过本项目的研究,应对GFRP节能保温复合墙板在建筑结构中的应用提供理论和试验支持。这对于我国加快实现建筑节能65%目标、实现可持续发展无疑有着重要的社会意义和经济意义。
中文关键词: GFRP复合墙面板;玻璃纤维增强复合材料;;保温性能;GFRP连接件;力学性能
英文摘要: To enhance the thermal efficiency of external wall panels is the key work about building energy conservation.The traditional thermal panels expose their drawbacks after years of use, such as the thickness and heavy self-weight of panels which is inconvenient for transportation, the corrosion of metal connections and the cold bridge which seriously decreases the thermal insulation behavior of panels.The project tends to devolep a new thermal sandwitch wall panels using the light and low thermal conductivity material-Fiber Reinforced Polymer(FRP).The wall composed of the glass fiber-reinforced polymer(GFRP) skins and low-density polyurethane core which connected by the FRP shear connectors. The project is based on the theoretical analysis and tests methods, to determine.the mechanical performance and calculation formulas for new GFRP connectors, study the parameters and failure mechanism of GFRP sandwich panels, explore the thermal and mechanical behavior of GFRP sandwich panels, then put forward the reasonable forms and analysis methods of GFRP sandwitch wall panels. This study is very important to the sustainable development and building energy-saving target of 65% and will bring remarkable econimic benefit and social benefit.
英文关键词: GFRP sandwich wall panels;glass fiber reinforced polymers;thermal property;GFRP connector ;mechanical property