项目名称: 时空轮廓编组计算模型及其在目标检测中的应用
项目编号: No.61472029
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 尹辉
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 81万元
中文摘要: 轮廓编组将边缘片段组织成具有明确视觉意义的独立目标轮廓,搭建了从初级视觉特征提取到高级视觉任务之间的桥梁,是计算机视觉领域中极其重要的研究课题。本项目以人类知觉组织机理为指导,深入研究时空轮廓编组计算模型,并将其应用于目标检测任务中。主要研究内容为:1)分析图像序列的时空域特性,提出一种新的基于时空信息的长曲线轮廓编组元结构;2)采用非监督流形学习理论研究多特征、多元编组线索的量化和融合,提出统一编组代价计算方法;3)建立以显著性注意和形状先验为约束的优化目标函数,以时空一致性为编组理想性度量,利用推理和反馈机制构建协同全局性和局部性的轮廓编组优化算法;4)在特定的目标检测任务中对构建的计算模型进行应用研究和测试验证。研究方案结合了生物视觉、机器学习等多领域的最新研究进展,研究成果可应用于视频内容理解与分析、基于内容的视频检索等领域,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。
中文关键词: 视觉感知;轮廓编组;时空分析;目标检测
英文摘要: Contour grouping groups the edge fragments to segregated groups with explicit visual meanings.It is one of the fundamental and most difficult problems in the field of computer vision, which connects low-level vision and high-level vision. Inspired by the mechanism of perceptual organization of human being, we'll study the spatio-temporal salient contour grouping model and its applicatin for object detection. This project is focused on: 1)A new long curve grouping element structure will be proposed by analyzing the spatio-temporal characteristics of the input, which are image sequences captured from natural scene.2) The quantification models for grouping rules with multi-features and multi-element will be built.And the approach for the fusion of grouping cues and the computing models for the unified grouping cost will be proposed by use of manifold learning. 3)We use the global saliency information and priori knowledge of shape to restrict the process of contour grouping on the basis of the research achievements about the attention role in perceptual organization in psychology.Based on the measure of global ideality for the grouping results, a contour grouping algorithm with feedback and reasoning will be proposed by studying the cooperation between global grouping cues and local grouping cues. 4) The computing model will be applied for specific object detection tasks in video. The latest research progress in the fields of biologic vision and machine learning are combined with this project and the research results can be applied in the domains of image understanding, image retrieval, and so on. This project is of significance both in theory and practice.
英文关键词: vision peception;contour grouping;spatio-temporal analysis;object detection