项目名称: GNSS拒止环境下的全源全维高精度导航定位机制与关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61473308
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 卢虎
作者单位: 中国人民解放军空军工程大学
项目金额: 81万元
中文摘要: 针对军民各型载体对GNSS信号拒止环境下精确导航定位能力的迫切需求,深入分析全源、全维、即插即用、随遇组合等导航需求的本质特征,提出在导航系统中采用导航参量非确定性推理与决策的相关性机制,通过对全源全维导航信息的拓扑融合机制、稀疏性利用和概率关联等核心问题的研究,建立起即插即用、随遇配置的新型全源全维导航理论模型和体系架构,突破全源全维导航信息概率传递与共享的拓扑融合方法及最大熵补偿机制、信息异步解算和更新机制以及信息后验概率最优后验测度机制等核心理论,揭示出全源全维导航理论架构下载体位置、速度、姿态等状态参量与各型导航传感单元量测量之间固有统计相关性的本质规律,获得导航传感单元量测信息与导航解算信息间的非定常耦合机制,创造出导航定位新理论和方法,完成全兼容、互操作与互替换的全源全维导航接收机设计。 预期成果将进一步促进导航理论和导航对抗技术的完善与成熟,具有十分重要的理论意义和实用价值。
中文关键词: GNSS拒止环境;全源全维导航;拓扑融合;概率关联;最大后验测度
英文摘要: Focusing on the urgent need for precise navigation and positioning capabilities of all types of military & civilian vehicles under GNSS denial environment and the shortage of current integrated navigation system , the project analyzes essential features of navigation needs of the all-source , full-dimensional , plug and play and configuration on demand. It proposes the mechanisms which uses uncertainty reasoning of navigation parametric and correlation of decision-making in the navigation system. Meanwhile, it researches the core issues of all-source full-dimensional navigation which combines topological information fusion, use of the sparsity information and probabilities correlation. Furthermore, it establishes theoretical models and architectures of innovational all-source full-dimensional navigation system. And it settles topological probability integration method and maximum entropy compensation mechanisms for transferring and sharing all-source full-dimensional navigation information, asynchronous solve & update mechanism, and optimal posterior probability measure mechanism of posterior information. It also reveals inherent statistical correlation rule between the state parameters( position, velocity , attitude ,etc.) and the measurements of various types navigation sensor; obtains unsteady coupling mechanism between navigation & position solutions and sensing measurements; creates new navigation theories and methods; achieves design of all-source full-dimensional navigation receiver which is full compatibility , interoperability and mutual replace for all-source full-dimensional navigation information . Expected results which will further promote the theory and technologies of navigation to maturity, the theoretical and practical value are very significant.
英文关键词: GNSS Denial Environment;All-Source Full-Dimensional Navigation;Topology Fusion;Probablity Correlation;Maximum Posteriori Estimation