项目名称: 基于非金属元素掺杂氮化碳量子点氧还原电催化材料构筑及其性能研究
项目编号: No.21506081
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 有机化学
项目作者: 徐丽
作者单位: 江苏大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 本课题针对目前燃料电池中氧还原催化剂成本高,催化效率低、稳定性低等问题,提出构筑离子液体功能化的非金属元素掺杂石墨型氮化碳(g-C3N4)量子点高效电催化材料。拟通过热缩聚反应实现非金属元素掺杂g-C3N4材料的制备,并将其作为本体材料,运用离子液体辅助微波法制得离子液体功能化的非金属元素掺杂g-C3N4量子点。将围绕离子液体功能化非金属元素掺杂g-C3N4量子点高性能氧还原电催化材料的设计及制备过程中存在的科学问题开展工作,发展有效催化材料的制备方法;着重研究电催化材料催化氧还原反应(ORR)的催化性能,建立电催化材料微观结构与氧还原催化性能之间的“构-效”关系,阐明电催化材料氧还原反应的催化机理,揭示非金属元素掺杂和离子液体修饰对所制备的电催化材料电催化性能的影响规律。研究结果将为低成本、高性能、高稳定性燃料电池氧电极材料的设计和制备提供理论和实验依据,对于清洁能源的发展具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 氮化碳;量子点;非金属掺杂;离子液体;氧还原反应
英文摘要: In view of high cost, low catalytic efficiency, low stability issues of the oxygen reduction reaction catalyst, the project is proposed to construct the ionic liquid functionalized nonmetal elements doped g-C3N4 quantum dots highly active electrocatalytic materials. Nonmetal elements can be doped into g-C3N4 in situ by thermal condensation reaction. Then, nonmetal elements doped g-C3N4 quantum dots can be prepared by ionic liquids assisted microwave avenue from nonmetal elements doped g-C3N4. The nonmetal elements doped g-C3N4 quantum dots could be functionalized by ionic liquids at the same time. The project will focus on scientific issues in design and preparation process of the ionic liquid functionalized nonmetal elements doped g-C3N4 quantum dots high-performance electrocatalytic materials for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The relationship between the catalytic activity and the structural features of the prepared catalytic materials will be established. The project will explore catalytic mechanism of the g-C3N4-based electrocatalytic materials in oxygen reduction reaction. And also, it will reveal how the nonmetal elements and ionic liquids affect oxygen reduction reaction. The research results will benefit the theoretical and experiment basis for the design and fabrication of low cost, high catalytic efficiency, high stability oxygen electrode materials of fuel cell.
英文关键词: Carbon nitride;Quantum dots;Nonmetal doping;Ionic liquid;Oxygen reduction reaction