项目名称: 办公建筑内部负荷扰量特性分析与叠加机理研究
项目编号: No.51308383
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 丁研
作者单位: 天津大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 由于传统的设计方法不适用于描述建筑内部负荷的随机性特点,故对内部负荷扰量特性分析和叠加机理进行研究,可改变设计负荷普遍偏大的现状,提高建筑能源系统运行效率,具有重要意义。本课题通过对办公建筑能耗的敏感性分析,确定内部负荷的影响因素;基于时间和空间的热量平衡关系,建立针对建筑内部负荷扰量变化规律的评价指标;结合对调研建筑样本的统计,研究负荷扰量的特征参数;建立描述内部负荷随机性的数学模型,应用随机数学的求解方法,探索负荷变量出现和变化规律;依照内部负荷因素的关联性,采用可靠性分析方法,揭示内部负荷的叠加机理。本课题将形成分析办公建筑内部负荷的基础理论和负荷设计方法,为进一步优化节能建筑的设计理念提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 叠加模型;主成分聚类分析;时变性;分段回归;马尔科夫转移矩阵
英文摘要: Because the traditional design method cannot describe the stochastic nature of the building internal loads, the characteristics and composite mechanism of internal load variances should be researched. The basic research embraces a scientific significance of improving the building energy efficiency by avoiding oversized building energy systems. This study aims at optimizing current design method with following measures:(1)determine the influencing factors of building internal loads by sensitivity analysis on the energy consumption of office buildings;(2)build evaluation indexes for the regularity of internal load variances based on the indoor heat balance in both temporal and spacial perspectives;(3)analyze the characteristic parameters of internal load variances in investigated building samples by statistic approach; (4)establish a mathematic model with fully consideration of the stochastic nature of internal loads and explore the appearance and changing regularity of the variances; (5)conduct reliability analysis on internal loads according to the relationship between influencing factors and finally reveal the composite mechanism of internal loads. Fundamental theories and new methods for the design of office building internal loads will be formulated during this study, which may provide theoretical basis for t
英文关键词: superposition model;principle component analysis;time-varying;piecewise regression;Markov transition matrix