项目名称: 高速列车振动行为、振动失效和振动评价研究
项目编号: No.U1234208
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 张卫华
作者单位: 西南交通大学
项目金额: 280万元
中文摘要: 建立考虑结构振动的高速列车耦合大系统动力学模型,研究高速列车在高速运行时零部件的振动状态和振动行为,零部件间振动的传递关系,零部件振动主导模态及运行工况之间的相关性;探明振动引起的零部件失效机理,据此建立高速列车系统失效链,研究失效链之间的关联度及其对零部件振动状态和列车动力学性能的影响,对随机激励下的多自由度、强非线性高速列车系统进行动态可靠性和可靠性灵敏度设计研究;结合零部件的动力学性能和结构可靠性,研究结构部件的失效特征和振动烈度之间的关系,从而实现量化高速列车关键零部件振动烈度安全阈值,评定踏面磨耗、轴承等结构损伤和悬挂失效的控制值。最终得到高速列车零部件振动烈度评价指标,为高速列车的设计和运营提供参考和建议。
中文关键词: 高速列车;齿轮传动;轴承;动态可靠性;振动阈值
英文摘要: A dynamic model of high-speed train coupling system is established and the vibration behavior of the structural parts is studied while the train in a high speed running state,also the vibration transfer relationship and dominant modes of parts in operating conditions are analysised.On the basis of the failure mechanism which caused by vibration, the failure chain of high-speed train system are acquired, then the correlation between the failure chains and its influence on the dynamic performance of high-speed train are discussed. The dynamic reliability and reliability sensitivity design of the high-speed train system are studied under random excitation,which is multi-degree of freedom and strongly nonlinear.Combine the dynamic performance and structural reliability of the components, the relationship between failure characteristics and vibration intensity of structural components is investigated in order to get a safety threshold of the vibration intensity of key components in high-speed train , and a control value is given to evaluate suspension failure and structural damage like tread wear,bearing failure. Finally, the evaluation criterion of vibration intensity will be peoposed to provide some references and suggestions for the design and operation of high-speed train.
英文关键词: high-speed train;Gear transmission system;Bearing;Dynamic reliability;Vibration threshold