项目名称: 基于复合周期结构的THz频段人工表面等离子体传输特性及功能器件研究
项目编号: No.61461016
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 高喜
作者单位: 桂林电子科技大学
项目金额: 43万元
中文摘要: 周期性亚波长结构支持的伪表面等离子体是当今物理学研究的热点之一,由此制作的人工表面结构能够将伪表面等离子体束缚在表面,实现高效率、低损耗传输,利用其实现高性能THz传输系统具有重要的研究意义和应用价值。本项目拟开展THz频段复合周期性亚波长结构中表面等离子体的双频传输特性研究。采用理论分析、模拟仿真以及实验研究相结合,研究不同形式的复合周期人工表面结构对电磁波色散特性的影响规律;研究复合周期结构单元的构建方式以及子单元间的电磁互耦特性对伪表面等离子体束缚能力及传输特性的影响机理。在此基础上,实验制备新型高性能THz波导、滤波器等器件,并对器件性能实验检测。本项目的研究将为探索发展新型太赫兹人工表面等离子波导、滤波器等功能器件提供理论基础和技术支撑。
中文关键词: Metamaterial;太赫兹;传输线;微波器件
英文摘要: Spoof surface plasmon supported by structured perfect metal surface can be tightly confined around the structured surface and hence realize high performance transmission with low loss and high efficiency for THz wave. In this project, we study on dual band transmission characteristics of Spoof SPPs of composite periodic structure. By using theoretic and simualtion methods, we will research the dispersion relation of Spoof Spps and the influence of configuration parameters to the dispersion relation, the binding capacity of the structured surface to Spoof SPPs and the transmission efficiency. Furthermore, we will study the coupling characterisitics of electromagnetic waves between subcells in composite periodic cell to explore the physical mechanism. Based on these researches, we will design and fabrciate simples of waveguide and filter operating in the frequency range from 0.1 to 3THz, and experimentally study the operation performance. The research results of this project will provide theoretical and experimental foundation for developing novel Spoof SPPs devices in terahertz regions.
英文关键词: metamaterial;THz;transmission line;microwave device