Dr. Dan Xu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Before joining HKUST, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Visual Geometry Group (VGG) at the University of Oxford, working with Prof. Andrea Vedaldi and Prof. Andrew Zisserman. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Trento in 2018, under the supervision of Prof. Nicu Sebe. He was also a visiting Ph.D. student in the MMLab at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) under the supervision of Prof. Xiaogang Wang. His research mainly focuses on computer vision, multimedia, and deep learning. Specifically, he is interested in multi-modal and structured representation learning, statistical modeling within deep learning, as well as their applications in 2D/3D scene understanding. He served as Senior Programme Committee (SPC) / Area Chair (AC) at multiple international conferences including AAAI, ACM Multimedia, WACV, and ACCV. He received the Best Scientific Paper Award at ICPR 2016 and a Best Paper Nominee at ACM Multimedia 2018.
Talk title:Multi-Modal Multi-Task 2D/3D Scene Understanding with Least Efforts of Annotations
Dr. Qi Dou
Dr. Qi DOU is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is also an Associate Member of the T Stone Robotics Institute and Multi-Scale Medical Robotics Center at CUHK. Her research focuses on synergistic innovations across medical image analysis, machine learning, surgical data science and medical robotics, with an impact to support demanding clinical workflows for improving patient care. Dr. Dou has won the IEEE EMBS TBME Best Paper Award 2nd Place 2021, IEEE ICRA Best Paper Award in Medical Robotics 2021, MICCAI Young Scientist Publication Impact Award Finalist 2021, MICCAI-Medical Image Analysis Best Paper Award 2017. Dr. Dou serves as the associate editor for Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging, Computer Assisted Surgery, and serves as program co-chair of MICCAI 2022, MIDL 2022&2021, IPCAI 2023.
Talk title: Video-based Robotic Surgery Intelligence
Dr. Haoliang Li
Dr. Haoliang Li received the B.S. degree in communication engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2013, and his Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore in 2018. He is currently an assistant professor in Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. His research mainly focuses on AI security, multimedia forensics and transfer learning. His research works appear in international journals/conferences such as TPAMI, IJCV, TIFS, ICML, NeurIPS, and CVPR. He received the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper award, Wallenberg-NTU presidential postdoc fellowship, doctoral innovation award, and VCIP best paper award, and ACM SIGSOFT distinguished paper award.
Talk title: Towards Better Generalized Visual Recognition Algorithms for Real-World Challenges
Abstract: Visual recognition tasks have been greatly benefited from the fast developments of deep learning approaches. However, the success of deep learning lies in the strong assumption that the training and test data are drawn from similar feature spaces and distributions, which may not always be valid in realistic scenarios. As such, the existing deep learning-based techniques lack generalization capability which further prohibits themselves from being applied to different practical applications. In this talk, I will introduce several deep learning-based domain generalization approaches to tackle the problem of generalization capability. The introduced methods are based on fundamental studies in the field of machine learning (distribution alignment, variational Bayesian) and software engineering (coverage testing). I will also discuss some possible future directions for the generalization issues of deep learning algorithms.
丛润民,北京交通大学信息科学研究所、数字媒体信息处理研究中心副教授,硕士生导师,入选中国科协“青年人才托举工程”、“北京市科技新星”计划。主要研究方向包括计算机视觉、多媒体信息处理、注意力感知与显著性计算、遥感影像解译与分析、开放环境下视觉内容增强等。在TIP、TCyb、TII、TMM、TCSVT、TGRS、NeurIPS、CVPR、ECCV、AAAI、IJCAI、ACM MM等国内外学术期刊及会议上发表论文60余篇,其中CCF A/IEEE Trans 论文42篇,ESI热点论文2篇、高被引论文9篇;出版英文专著章节2部。担任Neurocomputing、IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering等SCI期刊编委。荣获IEEE ICME最佳学生论文奖亚军、天津市科学技术进步一等奖、中国图象图形学学会优秀博士学位论文奖(全国10篇)、IEEE CVPR杰出审稿人、第十五届北京青年优秀科技论文奖、北京图象图形学学会优秀博士学位论文奖(京津冀6篇)等。
许倩倩,中科院计算所副研究员,博士生导师,国家优秀青年基金获得者。IEEE/CSIG/CCF高级会员,CSIG青工委副秘书长、CSIG多媒体专委会副秘书长,CAAI深度学习专委会副秘书长。研究领域为数据挖掘和机器学习,主要关注群智计算和知识图谱,已在TPAMI、IJCV、TIP、TKDE、ICML、NeurIPS、CVPR、AAAI、ACM Multimedia等国际期刊和会议上发表CCF-A类论文60余篇。先后获得:吴文俊人工智能自然科学奖一等奖,中国人工智能学会最佳青年科技成果奖,中国图象图形学学会石青云女科学家奖,吴文俊人工智能优秀青年奖,ACM中国SIGMM新星奖, 中国人工智能学会优秀博士学位论文,中科院百篇优秀博士学位论文,CCF-腾讯犀牛鸟科研基金、首届CAAI-华为MindSpore学术奖励基金等奖励。担任国际期刊TMM、T-CSVT、ACM TOMM和Multimedia Systems编委,CCF-A类国际会议ACM MM领域主席,AAAI和IJCAI SPC。