©PaperWeekly 原创 · 作者|庞龙刚
First you guess. Don't laugh, this is the most important step. Then you compute the consequences. Compare the consequences to experience. If it disagrees with experience, the guess is wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It doesn't matter how beautiful your guess is or how smart you are or what your name is. If it disagrees with experience, it's wrong. That's all there is to it.
——By Richard P. Feynman
3. 费曼没有提如果有很多模型都可以描述同样的实验数据,那么真实理论是其中一种的几率就会降低。这一项对应归一化系数,即分母上对不同参数的似然加权求和。有时又称“证据” Evidence;
4. 费曼也没有提人们对模型参数的信仰会随着数据的增多而发生改变和更新。这就是后验(Posterior)。
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
import os
def mcmc(func, ranges, n=100000, warmup=0.1, thin=1, step=1, initial_guess=None):
'''Metropolis-Hastings sampling for distribution func
:func: non-normalized distribution function
:ranges: the lower and upper bound of params, its shape determines ndim,
np.array([[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax], [zmin, zmax], [..., ...]])
:n: number of samples
:warmup: ratio of samples that will be discarded
:thin: samples to skip in the output
:step: effective step length in the proposal function
:initial_guess: initial position in the parameter space'''
ran = np.random.random
normal = np.random.normal
ndim = ranges.shape[0]
samples = np.empty((n, ndim), dtype=np.float32)
xmin, xmax = ranges[:, 0], ranges[:, 1]
# start from somewhere in the parameter space
if initial_guess == None:
r = ran()
x0 = xmin * (1 - r) + xmax * r # initial sample
x0 = initial_guess
step = step * (xmax - xmin) / (xmax - xmin).max()
for i in tqdm(range(n)):
r = normal(size=(ndim)) # propose the next move
x1 = x0 + r * step
alpha = min(func(x1) / func(x0), 1) # acception rate
r0 = ran()
if (r0 <= alpha) and (x1>xmin).all() \
and (x1<xmax).all(): # accept the proposal
x0 = x1
samples[i] = x0 # or keep the previous sample
return samples[int(warmup*n):-1:thin]
调用上面实现的 MH 算法,对函数 抽样:
def fun(theta):
return np.exp(-np.abs(theta))
# get 1,000,000 samples using mcmc
ranges_ = np.array([[-5, 5]])
samples = mcmc(fun, ranges_, n=1000000, warmup=0.1, thin=10)
100%|██████████| 1000000/1000000 [00:11<00:00, 85041.25it/s]
本来我们设定要抽样 1000,000 个样本,但因为使用了 warmup 和 thin 两个参数,最终得到的样本数量只有 90000 个。
# 'warmup' removes 10% data
# 'thin' reduces the size by a fact of 10
# this script is to make an animation for the mcmc sampling
%matplotlib notebook
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
# compute the distribution of these samples using histogram
hist, edges = np.histogram(samples.flatten(), bins=500)
x = 0.5 * (edges[1:] + edges[:-1])
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.plot(x, hist/hist.max(), '-', label="MCMC")
ax1.plot(x, fun(x), '-', label = r"$f(\theta) = \exp(-|\theta|)$")
ax1.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1])
dot, = ax1.plot(0, 1, 'o', ms=10)
def update(i):
xi = samples[i]
dot.set_data(xi, fun(xi))
return dot,
anim = FuncAnimation(fig1, update, frames=1000, interval=50, blit=False)
这两个参数都表示要扔掉部分样本。warmup=0.1 表示在样本列表的最前端扔掉 10% 的样本,thin=10 表示在剩下的样本中每隔 10 个样本保留一个。下图中蓝色是保留下的样本,灰色是扔掉的样本。
因为 MCMC 样本都是按顺序产生的,后一个样本依赖于前一个样本的位置,所以样本与样本之间有自关联(Auto Correlation),使用 thin 参数,每隔几个样本保留一个有利于削弱自关联。这里可以画图看一下自关联。
%matplotlib inline
s = pd.Series(samples[:2000].flatten())
ax = pd.plotting.autocorrelation_plot(s)
plt.ylim(-0.25, 0.25)
Warmup 是为了扔掉初期还没有达到细致平衡的那些样本。在二维或高维抽样时可以非常直观看到早期样本不满足最终分布。
def fun2d(theta):
return np.exp(-np.abs(theta).sum())
# get 100,000 samples in 2d-parameter space using mcmc
ranges_ = np.array([[-5, 5], [-5, 5]])
samples2d = mcmc(fun2d, ranges_, n=1000, warmup=0.0, step=1)
plt.scatter(samples2d[:, 0], samples2d[:, 1], label="all samples")
plt.plot(samples2d[:15, 0], samples2d[:15, 1], 'ro-', label="initial samples")
plt.plot(samples2d[0, 0], samples2d[0, 1], 'r*', ms=15, label="start")
plt.xlabel('param 1')
plt.ylabel('param 2')
▲ 红星是在参数空间中探索的开始位置,红色连线是初始的几步探索,蓝色圆点是后期在参数空间探索留下的足迹——所以有些库将抽样得到的参数列表用英文 trace(迹) 表示。
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