Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems
全文截稿: 2017-11-17
开会时间: 2018-01-24
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Manchester, UK
Fifth Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems will be co-located with HiPEAC 2018 Conference.
The wide diffusion of embedded systems, including multi-core, many-core, and reconfigurable platforms, poses a number of challenges related to the security of the operation of such systems, as well as of the information stored in them. Malicious adversaries can leverage unprotected communication to hijack cyber-physical systems, resulting in incorrect and potentially highly dangerous behaviours, or can exploit side channel information leakage to recover secret information from a computing system. Untrustworthy third party software and hardware can create openings for such attacks, which must be detected and removed or countered. The prevalence of multi/many core systems opens additional issues such as NoC security. Finally, the complexity on modern and future embedded and mobile systems leads to the need to depart from manual planning and deployment of security features. Thus, design automation tools will be needed to design and verify the security features of new hardware/software systems. The workshop is a venue for security and cryptography experts to interact with the computer architecture and compilers community, aiming at cross-fertilization and multi-disciplinary approaches to security in computing systems.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: -Compiler and Runtime Support for Security -Cryptography in Embedded and Reconfigurable Systems -Design Automation and Verification of Security -Efficient Cryptography through Multi/Many core Systems -Engineering and efficient implementation of post-quantum cryptographic primitives -Fault Attacks and Countermeasures, including interaction with Fault Tolerance -Hardware Architecture and Extensions for Cryptography -Hardware/Software Security Techniques -Hardware Trojans and Reverse Engineering -Physical Unclonable Functions -Privacy in Embedded Systems -Security of Embedded and Cyberphysical Systems (Medical, Automotive, Smartgrid, Industrial Control) -Security of Networks-on-Chips and Multi-core Architectures -Side Channel Attacks and Countermeasures -Trusted computing
WTSC 2018
Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts
摘要截稿: 2017-11-26
全文截稿: 2017-12-01
开会时间: 2018-03-01
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Curacao
A potentially highly transformational technology currently developing on top of blockchain technologies are smart contracts, i.e. self-enforcing agreements in the form of executable programs that are deployed to and run on top of (specialised) blockchains. The Bitcoin proposal itself relied on a limited language for the validation of economical transitions. Subsequent proposals have further developed the idea of algorithmic validation of decentralised trust, along Szabo's intuition. A prominent example, also in terms of capitalisation and market share, is the Ethereum blockchain. It has a Turing-complete programming model, and bears one of the most striking performed attacks, the DAO attack (not to mention the discussed fork adopted as a counter measure). Possible further directions, are drawn by in-progress proposals like Tezos, where algorithmic validation also embraces decentralised consensus: smart contracts can negotiate the rules themselves which enable decentralised trust.
These technologies introduce a novel programming framework and execution environment, which are not satisfactory understood at the moment. Multidisciplinary and multifactorial aspects affect correctness, safety, privacy, authentication, efficiency, sustainability, resilience and trust in smart contracts. Existing frameworks, which are competing for their market share, adopt different solutions to issues like the above ones. Merits of proposed solutions are still to be fully evaluated and compared by means of systematic scientific investigation, and further research is needed towards laying the foundations of Trusted Smart Contracts.
The Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts (WTSC) aims to gather together researchers from both academia and industry interested in the many facets of Trusted Smart Contract engineering, and to provide a multi-disciplinary forum for discussing open problems, proposed solutions and the vision on future developments. Experts in fields including (but not limited to!) programming languages, verification, security, decision and game theory, cryptography, monetary systems, finance, and economics, as well as pratictioners and companies interested in block chain technologies, are invited to take part in this second edition of WTSC and make it a lively forum.
CTRQ 2018
International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service
全文截稿: 2017-12-04
开会时间: 2018-04-22
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Athens, Greece
CTRQ 2018 conference tracks: -Communication theory -Quality and reliability in smart environments -Assessing quality and reliability -Reliability and maintenance -Quality of Service -Quality -Reliability and QoS for future mobile networks
Ensuring effective security and privacy in real-world technology requires considering technical as well as human aspects. Enabling people to manage privacy and security necessitates giving due consideration to the users and the larger operating context within which technology is embedded. Ensuring effective security and privacy in real-world technology requires considering technical as well as human aspects. Enabling people to manage privacy and security necessitates giving due consideration to the users and the larger operating context within which technology is embedded.
We invite submissions on all aspects of human factors including adoption and usability in the context of security and privacy. USEC 2018 aims to bring together researchers already engaged in this interdisciplinary effort with other computer science researchers in areas such as visualization, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and theoretical computer science as well as researchers from other domains such as economics and psychology. We particularly encourage collaborative research from authors in multiple disciplines.
Topics include, but are not limited to: -Usable security/privacy evaluation of existing and/or proposed solutions. -Mental models that contribute to, or complicate, security and privacy. -Lessons learned from designing, deploying, managing, or evaluating security and privacy technologies. -Foundations of usable security and privacy incl. usable security and privacy patterns. -Ethical, psychological, sociological and economic aspects of security and privacy technologies. -Usable security and privacy research that targets information professionals (e.g. administrators or developers). -Reports on replications of previously published studies and experiments. -Reports on failed usable security studies or experiments, with the focus on the lessons learned from such experience. -Human factors related to the deployment of the Internet of Things (IoT).
CNS 2018
IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security
全文截稿: 2017-12-20
开会时间: 2018-05-30
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Beijing, China
IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (IEEE CNS) is a conference series in IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) core conference portfolio and the only ComSoc conference focusing solely on cybersecurity. IEEE CNS provides a premier forum for security researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and users to exchange ideas, techniques and tools, raise awareness, and share experience related to all practical and theoretical aspects of cybersecurity.
Building on the success of the past five years conferences, IEEE CNS 2018 seeks original high-quality technical papers from academia, government, and industry. Topics of interest encompass all practical and theoretical aspects of communications and network security, from the physical layer to the network layer to the variety of applications reliant on a secure communication substrate.
TOPICS OF INTERESTS: * Anonymity and privacy technologies * Computer and network forensics * Cyber deterrence strategies * Game-theoretic security technologies * Implementation and evaluation of networked security systems * Information-theoretic security * Intrusion detection, prevention, and response * Key management, public key infrastructures, certification, revocation, and authentication * Malware detection and mitigation * Security metrics and models * Physical-layer and cross-layer security technologies * Security and privacy for big data * Security and privacy for data and network outsourcing services * Security and privacy for mobile and wearable devices * Security and privacy in cellular networks * Security and privacy in cloud and edge computing * Security and privacy in crowdsourcing * Security and privacy in emerging wireless technologies (dynamic spectrum sharing, cognitive radio networks, millimeter wave communications, MIMO systems, etc.) * Security and privacy in peer-to-peer and overlay networks * Security and privacy in Wi-Fi, ad hoc, mesh, sensor, vehicular, body-area, disruption/delay tolerant, and social networks * Security and privacy in smart cities, smart and connected health, IoT, and RFID systems * Security for critical infrastructures (smart grids, transportation systems, etc.) * Security for future Internet architectures and designs * Security for software-defined and data center networks * Social, economic, and policy issues of trust, security, and privacy * Traffic analysis * Usable security and privacy * Web, e-commerce, m-commerce, and e-mail security
IWPE 2018
IEEE International Workshop on Privacy Engineering
摘要截稿: 2018-01-12
全文截稿: 2018-01-19
开会时间: 2018-04-27
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: London, UK
This year’s program seeks to highlight challenges to privacy posed by widespread adoption of machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies. One motivation for this focus stems from goals and provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including requirements for privacy and data protection by design, providing notices and information about the logic of automated decision-making, and emphasis on privacy management and accountability structures in organizations that process personal data. Interpreting and operationalizing these requirements for systems that employ machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies is a daunting task.
As engineering is asked to play a larger role in privacy governance, software developers need tools for understanding, systematizing, and embedding privacy into systems and workflows. This work also requires greater engagement with design, legal, and public policy departments. Methods and tools for bridging privacy work across these communities are essential to success. Furthermore, research that focuses on techniques and tools that can aid the translation of legal and normative concepts into systems requirements are of great value.
Organizations also need tools for systematically evaluating whether systems fulfill users’ privacy needs and requirements and for providing necessary technical assurances. Methods that can support organizations and engineers in developing (socio-)technical systems that address these requirements is of increasing value to respond to the existing societal challenges associated with privacy.
In this context, privacy engineering research is emerging as an important topic. Engineers are increasingly expected to build and maintain privacy-preserving and data-protection compliant systems in different ICT domains such as health, energy, transportation, social computing, law enforcement, public services; based on different infrastructures such as cloud, grid, or mobile computing. While there is a consensus on the benefits of an engineering approach to privacy, concrete proposals for models, methods, techniques and tools that support engineers and organizations in this endeavor are few and in need of immediate attention. Also of great relevance are the development and evaluation of approaches that go beyond the one size fits all mantra, and that attend to the ever evolving practice of software engineering in agile service environments across different domains.
To cover this gap, the topics of the International Workshop on Privacy Engineering focus on all the aspects surrounding privacy engineering, ranging from its theoretical foundations, engineering approaches, and support infrastructures, to its practical application in projects of different scale across the software ecosystem.