近日,中山大学-商汤科技联合发表AAAI2018论文 “Recurrent Attentional Reinforcement Learning for Multi-label Image Recognition” 提出了一个新的框架RARL,即基于强化学习循环发现关注区域,用于解决多标签图像的识别任务。相比于目前存在的其他方法,该方法在识别精度和效率上都取得极大的提升。本文将详细介绍论文中提出的方法。
多标签图像识别是计算机视觉领域一个非常重要且比较难的任务。近年来,有些工作通过结合物体候选框提取的方法,将深度学习应用于多标签图片识别任务,并取得一定的进展。这类方法首先利用现有的物体定位方法(如Selected search 或者Edge boxes等)提取一定数量的图片局部区域,然后利用深度网络提取每个局部区域的特征,最后聚合所有的特征以得到最后的预测结果。然而,这类方法引入额外的计算开销,另外,不同局部区域之间的关联也被简化甚至忽略了。不同于这类方法,本文提出一个新的Recurrent Attentional Reinforcement Learning(RARL)框架,该框架引入视觉注意机制,自动地挖掘语义关联的局部区域,并聚合这些区域的特征取得最后的识别结果。相比于目前多标签图片识别的方法,本文提出的方法具有以下两个优点:
Figure 1:Overview of our proposed framework for multi-label image recognition. The inputimage is first fed to the VGG16 ConvNet and mapped to the feature maps fI. At each iteration t, k regions are yielded at the center location lt estimated from the previous iteration and corresponding fixed-size features are also extracted. An LSTM unit takes these features as well as the hidden state of the previous iteration as input to predict the scores for each region and searches the location for the next iteration. All the predicted scores are fused using the category-wise max-pooling to obtain the final label distribution. The framework is end-to-end trained using merely image-level labels using reinforcement learning techniques.
Pascal Voc 2017是多标签识别任务最常用的数据集,在该数据集上,我们的方法在mAP评测指标上比现有最优的方法(表1的HCP)提高了1.1%。
Table 1: Comparison results of AP and mAP in % of our model and the previous state of the art methods on the VOC07 dataset. The best results and second best results are highlighted in red and blue,respectively. Best viewed in color.
Microsoft COCO是一个更大更难的数据集,目前也被广泛用于多标签识别任务的评测,在该上数据上,我们的方法在C-F1和O-F1评价指标上比目前最好的方法(表3的RLSD和CNN-RNN)提升了4.4%和3.3%。
Table 2: Comparison results of our model and the previous state of the art methods on the MS-COCO dataset. The best and second best results are highlighted in red and blue, respectively. Best viewed in color.
在运行效率上,我们的方法在NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN-X GPU进行评测。我们的方法预测一张图片的结果需要约350ms。现有的基于物体候选框的方法,比如HCP,在类似的GPU环境下,一张图片需要大概10s,比我们的方法满了近30倍。
[1] Tianshui Chen, Zhouxia Wang, Guanbin Li, and Liang Lin, Recurrent Attentional Reinforcement Learning for Multi-label Image Recognition, in AAAI, 2018.
[2] Yunchao Wei, Wei Xia, Min Lin, Junshi Huang, Bingbing Ni, Jian Dong, and Yao Zhao, Hcp:A flexible cnn framework for multi-label image classification, TPAMI, 2016.
[3] HaoYang, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Yu Zhang, Bin-Bin Gao, Jianxin Wu, and Jianfei Cai, Exploit bounding box annotations for multi-label object recognition, in CVPR, 2016.