
2017 年 7 月 26 日 FT中文网


采用打破常规的做法——定期到咖啡馆工作——能使我们更富创造力,而同事不在场的环境则能提高我们的工作效率。《纽约时报》(New York Times)也有文章指出,咖啡馆的背景声响非常有助于工作,以至于被作为白噪音在办公楼里播放。




I am sitting with my laptop and a mug of coffee at a tiny table. An identical table is right behind mine and every time its occupant moves, I get jabbed in the back. The cash register opens and closes. The steam machine hisses. Welcome to my new office: Starbucks, Highbury Corner, north London.

现在我正坐在一张小桌子边,桌上摆着我的手提电脑,和一杯咖啡。在我身后有一张一模一样的桌子,每次坐在那里的人起身移动时,我的后背就会被猛戳一下。收款机开了又关。蒸汽机发出嘶嘶的声音。欢迎来到我的新办公室:位于伦敦北部海布里角(Highbury Corner)的星巴克(Starbucks)店。

Until now, I’ve never had the slightest desire to bring my work to a coffee shop. My children swear it’s where they do their best work. Luke Johnson recently wrote a column in the Financial Times saying they are perfect places to start a business. If the alternative is the kitchen table, then I suppose Starbucks has something going for it. But for those of us with free offices, I can’t see the big draw.

以前我从未有过哪怕是最轻微的将工作带到咖啡馆完成的念头。我的孩子们发誓他们在咖啡馆的做事效率最高。卢克•约翰逊(Luke Johnson)近期在英国《金融时报》写了一篇专栏文章称,咖啡馆是开展创业的完美场所。如果另外一个选择是厨房餐桌,那我认为星巴克也许还有一点胜出的希望。但对于像我们这种拥有免费办公场所的人来说,我不认为咖啡馆会有多大吸引力。

Photo credit: Getty Images

Last week, I read two articles that changed my mind. First, a blog post in Fast Company arguing that we should all periodically decamp to cafés as the break to routine makes us creative, and the absence of colleagues makes us productive. The second was a piece in the New York Times saying that the background sounds in coffee shops are so conducive to work that they are being piped into office buildings as white noise.

上周我读到的两篇文章改变了我的想法。一篇发表在Fast Company的博客文章指出,我们应当定期到咖啡馆工作,因为这种打破常规的做法能使我们更富创造力,而同事不在场的环境则能提高我们的工作效率。第二篇刊载于《纽约时报》(New York Times),文章指出,咖啡馆的背景声响非常有助于工作,以至于被作为白噪音在办公楼里播放。

So this morning I set off for my new workplace. The commute was a dream – four minutes by bike. Some of the time saved was lost queueing for coffee, but when I got to the front and parted with £2.15 for a “tall” cup of beige milk, I felt pleased with the bargain: it comes with an unlimited side order of table, chair, WiFi and electricity.


“Do you mind people sitting here all day over one coffee?” I ask the woman at the till. “No!” she beams. “I like it. They keep me company.”


Photo credit: Getty Images

It’s a rum business model. The argument goes that people with laptops look cool and give the place a buzzy atmosphere; I can’t imagine that I look any cooler hunched over my computer than my bald and paunchy neighbour looks hunched over his.


In advance, I’ve been doing some homework on how best to work in a café. You might have thought it is easy: get coffee, sit down, open laptop, work. But no. There’s a whole page on WikiHow about the “coffee shop experience”, advising clothes that are “comfortable but elegant” and that you sit far from the door and the till.


I settle at the only free table and remove the previous occupant’s squalid litter. The background noise is quite nice – both upbeat and soothing. The foreground noise is less so. A mobile goes.


Photo credit: Getty Images

“So no, yeah, it was all good. So, like, basically, yeah, all good. No, I’m literally at Starbucks. I came to charge my phone . . . ” I turn round. He’s plugged in his mobile, but hasn’t even bought a drink.


I’ve finished mine, and need the loo. WikiHow does not advise on how to deal with this eventuality, so I decide to take all my stuff in with me. When I return, my table has been taken by someone else.


I leave Starbucks and head down the road to Euphorium, a brighter and groovier independent coffee shop. I get a nice table, and even though it’s barely 11am order a salt beef bagel. I enter the WiFi password and get down to work. Within five minutes I’m joined by two women, each with a buggy the size of a small car. In one a baby screams. “Oh, Oscar”, says his mother.


Photo credit: Getty Images

With some effort I block this out, but when I look up, someone is waving at me. It’s the mother of a boy my son knew at primary school, who comes over to say her boy has just got into Oxford university and that he’s spending his gap year acting in some Hollywood film. Great, I say, continuing to type. In the office this trick always works: colleagues take the hint. But in coffee shops it does not seem to work at all. When I finally get rid of her I order a strawberry tart to lift my spirits. And then a cappuccino to lift them some more. While I drink it I read something from the New Yorker online about how caffeine destroys your creativity.

我颇费了翻努力才排除了这些干扰,但当我抬起头来时,有人正在向我招手。这是我儿子在小学时认识的一个男孩的母亲。她走过来对我说,自己的孩子刚被牛津大学(Oxford university)录取了,并把上大学之前的空档年用于拍摄某部好莱坞电影。太棒了,我说道,然后继续打字。在办公室里这个技巧总是非常奏效:同事们能领会你的暗示。但在咖啡店里这个办法似乎完全不起作用。当我最终摆脱她的时候,我点了一个草莓馅饼来改善自己的情绪,之后又点了一杯卡布奇诺咖啡来进一步提振精神。而正当我喝着咖啡时,我在纽约客(New Yorker)的网站上读到了一篇关于咖啡因如何毁灭创造力的文章。

I don’t believe this any more than I believe that working in a café can increase it. There is only one effect coffee shops have for sure: they are rough on your skeleton. The chairs are designed to be sat on for half an hour – not all day.


After three hours, my back hurts and carpal tunnel syndrome can’t be far off. They are rough on the stomach too: two coffees, a Diet Coke, a bagel and a tart, and it’s not quite lunchtime.


Photo credit: Getty Images

I’ve just googled famous people who work in cafés, and at the top of every list is JK Rowling. I now forgive her everything. If she wrote Harry Potter sitting in a coffee shop, she could surely have managed Middlemarch in a quiet office with a comfortable chair.

我在谷歌(google)上搜索了在咖啡馆里工作的名人,J•K•罗琳(JK Rowling)总是出现在每份名单的最上端。我现在可以谅解关于她的一切。如果她坐在咖啡馆里可以写出《哈里•波特》(Harry Potter),那么如果她在一个安静的办公室里坐在一张舒适的椅子上,则无疑可以写出像《米德尔马契》(Middlemarch)这样的作品。

本文来自FT每日英语(id: ftdailyenglish)公众号

露西•凯拉韦前几日写文:“FT readers, I will miss you most of all,表示在为FT工作32年之后,是时候踏上一段新的旅程了。关注FT每日英语微信,回复“Lucy”,获得往期她的原声音频+双语专栏文章。

英国《金融时报》1888年创刊,凭借高质量的新闻报道、全球记者资源和英语母语特色,推出微信公众号FT每日英语(id: ftdailyenglish)。每日奉上双语阅读资讯、热词手帐、速读小测、原声视频与电台,轻松学英语。内容涵盖金融财经、时尚轻奢、运动美食、职场管理、移民留学等热门话题。



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