2Amonalous Metals and Failed Superconductors
报告人:Steven Kivelson,美国科学院院士,斯坦福大学
地点:理科楼 C302 报告厅
Prof. Kivelson has made many seminal contributions to condensed matter physics. He is a pioneer in many fundamental concepts and models in correlated electron systems. Examples include fractional topological charges, electron nematic/sematic states, spin-liquid phases, and so on. His publications have been cited more than 30000 times and his H-index is 87.Prof. Kivelson was elected as Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2001 and as Member of National Academy of Sciences in 2010. He was awarded John Bardeen Prize in 2012. Moreover, he has mentored dozens of PhD students and postdocs who have been very successful in their fields of research.
3Artificial graphenes : Dirac matter beyond condensed matter
报告人:Gilles Montambaux,Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
地点:Lecture Hall C302, New Science Building
These cones, which describe the band structure in the vicinity of the two connected energy bands, are characterized by a topological “charge”. They can be moved in reciprocal space by appropriate modification of external parameters (pressure, twist, sliding, stress, etc.). They can be manipulated, created or suppressed under the condition that the total topological charge be conserved. The merging between two Dirac cones is thus a topological transition that may be described by two distinct universality classes, according to whether the two cones have opposite or like topological charges. We have recently found a system in which the two classes may be observed.In this presentation, I will discuss several aspects of the scenarios of merging or emergence of Dirac points as well as the experimental investigations of these scenarios in condensed matter and beyond.
报告人:马瑞松,N04 group, IOP
扫描隧道显微镜(STM)发明于二十世纪八十年代初,这一强大的工具赋予人们研究和操控微观体系的能力。传统的单探针STM可以用来研究样品的形貌和材料局域的电子结构等性质,然而其无法测量低维体系的横向电输运特性。为了将输运测试能力与极高空间分辨率相结合,人们陆续开发了双探针、三探针甚至四探针等多探针STM系统。其中,四探针STM同时兼容标准的四端输运测试方式,可以更准确地对样品输运性质进行原位表征。本次报告主要介绍了对一台商用超高真空四探针扫描隧道显微镜在减振与阻尼、扫描结构、导热链接与热屏、针尖定位SEM的替换、分时复控电路单元等诸多方面的升级改造过程,从而更好地实现四探针系统在石墨烯等二维材料形貌表征与输运性质研究中的有效应用。6Berry phase of Bloch electrons and materials properties
报告人:冯济, Peking University
Berry phase and associated physical effects have attracted broad attention in recent years, particularly in condensed matter physics. In this colloquium, I will begin with an exposition of the concept of Berry phase in Bloch electrons in extended solids, highlighting various materials properties derivable from Berry phase and with an emphasis on the computational aspects. Subsequently, a few examples will be discussed to demonstrate materials prediction and discovery centering on the notion of Berry phase, including valleytronics materials, quantum anomalous Hall effect and particularly our recent progress on the theory of impurity states in semiconductors.
7Electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources
报告人:Bing Zhang,University of Nevada
地点:蒙民伟科技南楼 S727
I will discuss the theoretical models of various electromagnetic (EM) counterparts of gravitational wave (GW) sources due to NS-NS, NS-BH, and BH-BH mergers, which include a short gamma-ray burst and afterglow, a kilonova/mergernova and afterglow, a plausible long-duration X-ray event, and a speculative fast radio burst. Finally, I will report the observational data of the first GW event with the detections of EM counterparts and the theoretical implications from these observations.
Honeycomb lattice plays an extremely important role in fostering topology physics as known from the Haldane model and the Kane-Mele model [1]. Recently, we propose a way to achieve all-dielectric topological photonics starting from honeycomb structure. We identify a pseudospin degree of freedom in electromagnetic (EM) modes hosted by honeycomb lattice, which can be explored for establishing topological EM states with time-reversal symmetry [2]. We demonstrate theoretically the nontrivial topology by showing photonic band inversions, and counter-propagating edge EM waves. I will show recent experimental results of microwaves which confirm our theory. The idea can also be applied for other bosonic systems such as phonons as well as electronic systems. Recent progresses and perspectives of the present approach will be discussed.
9ALP miracle: a simple unification of inflation and dark matter
地点:Room 6420
We propose a scenario where both inflation and dark matter are described by a single axion-like particle (ALP) in a unified manner. In a class of the minimal axion hilltop inflation, the effective masses at the maximum and minimum of the potential have equal magnitude but opposite sign, so that the ALP inflaton is light both during inflation and in the true vacuum. After inflation, most of the ALPs decay and evaporate into plasma through a coupling to photons, and the remaining ones become dark matter. We find that the observed CMB and matter power spectrum as well as the dark matter abundance point to an ALP of mass mϕ=(0.01−0.1) eV and the axion-photon coupling gϕγγ=(10^−11) GeV^−1, which are within reach of future solar axion helioscope experiments IAXO, TASTE and laser-based stimulated photon-photon collider experiments: ALP miracle. This region is hinted by several anomalies. The thermalized ALP particles contribute to hot dark matter and its abundance is given in terms of the effective number of extra neutrino species, ΔNeff≃0.03, which can be tested by the future CMB and BAO observations. We also discuss possible extensions of the ALP miracle scenario by introducing other interactions of the axion-like particle to the standard model fields.
10Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions of Alkyl Electrophiles
报告人:Gregory C. Fu,美国国家科学院院士,加州理工学院
1. 量子力学诠释问题(一)
2. 量子力学诠释问题(二)
3. 高温超导研究面临的挑战
10. 费米子家族新成员——突破传统分类的三重简并费米子的实验发现