继上一篇介绍了Minimax 和Alpha Beta 剪枝算法之后,本篇选择了Leetcode中的井字棋游戏题目,积累相关代码后实现井字棋游戏并扩展到五子棋和N子棋(战略井字棋),随后用Minimax和Alpha Beta剪枝算法解得小规模下N子棋的游戏结局,并分析其状态数量和每一步的最佳策略。后续篇章中,我们基于本篇代码完成一个N子棋的OpenAI Gym 图形环境,可用于人机对战或机器对战,并最终实现棋盘规模稍大的五子棋或者N子棋中的蒙特卡洛树搜索(MCTS)算法。
第二篇: 井字棋Leetcode系列题解和Minimax最佳策略实现
第三篇: 五子棋(N子棋)的OpenAI Gym GUI环境
第四篇: 五子棋(N子棋)的蒙特卡洛树搜索(MCTS)
A 和 B 在一个 3 x 3 的网格上玩井字棋。
玩家轮流将棋子放在空方格 (" ") 上。
第一个玩家 A 总是用 "X" 作为棋子,而第二个玩家 B 总是用 "O" 作为棋子。
"X" 和 "O" 只能放在空方格中,而不能放在已经被占用的方格上。
只要有 3 个相同的(非空)棋子排成一条直线(行、列、对角线)时,游戏结束。
给你一个数组 moves,其中每个元素是大小为 2 的另一个数组(元素分别对应网格的行和列),它按照 A 和 B 的行动顺序(先 A 后 B)记录了两人各自的棋子位置。
如果游戏存在获胜者(A 或 B),就返回该游戏的获胜者;如果游戏以平局结束,则返回 "Draw";如果仍会有行动(游戏未结束),则返回 "Pending"。
你可以假设 moves 都 有效(遵循井字棋规则),网格最初是空的,A 将先行动。
示例 1:
输入:moves = [[0,0],[2,0],[1,1],[2,1],[2,2]]
解释:"A" 获胜,他总是先走。
"X " "X " "X " "X " "X "
" " -> " " -> " X " -> " X " -> " X "
" " "O " "O " "OO " "OOX"
示例 2:输入:moves = [[0,0],[1,1],[0,1],[0,2],[1,0],[2,0]]
解释:"B" 获胜。
"X " "X " "XX " "XXO" "XXO" "XXO"
" " -> " O " -> " O " -> " O " -> "XO " -> "XO "
" " " " " " " " " " "O "
第一种解法,检查A或者B赢的所有可能情况:某玩家占据8种连线的任意一种情况则胜利,我们使用八个变量来保存所有情况。下面的代码使用了一个小技巧,将moves转换成3x3的棋盘状态数组,元素的值为1,-1和0。1,-1代表两个玩家,0代表空的棋盘格子,其优势在于后续我们只需累加棋盘的值到八个变量中关联的若干个,再检查这八个变量是否满足取胜条件。例如,row[0]表示第一行的状态,当遍历一次所有棋盘格局后,row[0]为第一行的3个格子的总和,只有当row[0] == 3 才表明玩家A占据了第一行,-3表明玩家B占据了第一行。
# AC
from typing import List
class Solution:
def tictactoe(self, moves: List[List[int]]) -> str:
board = [[0] * 3 for _ in range(3)]
for idx, xy in enumerate(moves):
player = 1 if idx % 2 == 0 else -1
board[xy[0]][xy[1]] = player
turn = 0
row, col = [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]
diag1, diag2 = False, False
for r in range(3):
for c in range(3):
turn += board[r][c]
row[r] += board[r][c]
col[c] += board[r][c]
if r == c:
diag1 += board[r][c]
if r + c == 2:
diag2 += board[r][c]
oWin = any(row[r] == 3 for r in range(3)) or any(col[c] == 3 for c in range(3)) or diag1 == 3 or diag2 == 3
xWin = any(row[r] == -3 for r in range(3)) or any(col[c] == -3 for c in range(3)) or diag1 == -3 or diag2 == -3
return "A" if oWin else "B" if xWin else "Draw" if len(moves) == 9 else "Pending"
# AC
from typing import List
class Solution:
def checkWin(self, r: int, c: int) -> bool:
north = self.getConnectedNum(r, c, -1, 0)
south = self.getConnectedNum(r, c, 1, 0)
east = self.getConnectedNum(r, c, 0, 1)
west = self.getConnectedNum(r, c, 0, -1)
south_east = self.getConnectedNum(r, c, 1, 1)
north_west = self.getConnectedNum(r, c, -1, -1)
north_east = self.getConnectedNum(r, c, -1, 1)
south_west = self.getConnectedNum(r, c, 1, -1)
if (north + south + 1 >= 3) or (east + west + 1 >= 3) or \
(south_east + north_west + 1 >= 3) or (north_east + south_west + 1 >= 3):
return True
return False
def getConnectedNum(self, r: int, c: int, dr: int, dc: int) -> int:
player = self.board[r][c]
result = 0
i = 1
while True:
new_r = r + dr * i
new_c = c + dc * i
if 0 <= new_r < 3 and 0 <= new_c < 3:
if self.board[new_r][new_c] == player:
result += 1
i += 1
return result
def tictactoe(self, moves: List[List[int]]) -> str:
self.board = [[0] * 3 for _ in range(3)]
for idx, xy in enumerate(moves):
player = 1 if idx % 2 == 0 else -1
self.board[xy[0]][xy[1]] = player
# only check last move
r, c = moves[-1]
win = self.checkWin(r, c)
if win:
return "A" if len(moves) % 2 == 1 else "B"
return "Draw" if len(moves) == 9 else "Pending"
用字符串数组作为井字游戏的游戏板 board。当且仅当在井字游戏过程中,玩家有可能将字符放置成游戏板所显示的状态时,才返回 true。
该游戏板是一个 3 x 3 数组,由字符 " ","X" 和 "O" 组成。字符 " " 代表一个空位。
玩家轮流将字符放入空位(" ")中。
第一个玩家总是放字符 “X”,且第二个玩家总是放字符 “O”。
“X” 和 “O” 只允许放置在空位中,不允许对已放有字符的位置进行填充。
当有 3 个相同(且非空)的字符填充任何行、列或对角线时,游戏结束。
示例 1:
输入: board = ["O ", " ", " "]
输出: false
解释: 第一个玩家总是放置“X”。
示例 2:
输入: board = ["XOX", " X ", " "]
输出: false
解释: 玩家应该是轮流放置的。
示例 3:
输入: board = ["XXX", " ", "OOO"]
输出: false
示例 4:
输入: board = ["XOX", "O O", "XOX"]
输出: true
游戏板 board 是长度为 3 的字符串数组,其中每个字符串 board[i] 的长度为 3。board[i][j] 是集合 {" ", "X", "O"} 中的一个字符。
这道题第一反应是需要DFS来判断给定状态是否可达,但其实可以用上面1275的思路,即通过检验最终棋盘的一些特点来判断给定状态是否合法。比如,X和O的数量只有可能相同,或X比O多一个。其关键在于需要找到判断状态合法的充要条件,就可以在 时间复杂度完成判断。此外,这道题给了我们井字棋所有可能状态数量的启示。
# AC
from typing import List
class Solution:
def convertCell(self, c:str):
return 1 if c == 'X' else -1 if c == 'O' else 0
def validTicTacToe(self, board: List[str]) -> bool:
turn = 0
row, col = [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]
diag1, diag2 = False, False
for r in range(3):
for c in range(3):
turn += self.convertCell(board[r][c])
row[r] += self.convertCell(board[r][c])
col[c] += self.convertCell(board[r][c])
if r == c:
diag1 += self.convertCell(board[r][c])
if r + c == 2:
diag2 += self.convertCell(board[r][c])
xWin = any(row[r] == 3 for r in range(3)) or any(col[c] == 3 for c in range(3)) or diag1 == 3 or diag2 == 3
oWin = any(row[r] == -3 for r in range(3)) or any(col[c] == -3 for c in range(3)) or diag1 == -3 or diag2 == -3
if (xWin and turn == 0) or (oWin and turn == 1):
return False
return (turn == 0 or turn == 1) and (not xWin or not oWin)
请在 n × n 的棋盘上,实现一个判定井字棋(Tic-Tac-Toe)胜负的神器,判断每一次玩家落子后,是否有胜出的玩家。
在这个井字棋游戏中,会有 2 名玩家,他们将轮流在棋盘上放置自己的棋子。
示例:给定棋盘边长 n = 3, 玩家 1 的棋子符号是 "X",玩家 2 的棋子符号是 "O"。
TicTacToe toe = new TicTacToe(3);
toe.move(0, 0, 1); -> 函数返回 0 (此时,暂时没有玩家赢得这场对决)
|X| | |
| | | | // 玩家 1 在 (0, 0) 落子。
| | | |
toe.move(0, 2, 2); -> 函数返回 0 (暂时没有玩家赢得本场比赛)
|X| |O|
| | | | // 玩家 2 在 (0, 2) 落子。
| | | |
toe.move(2, 2, 1); -> 函数返回 0 (暂时没有玩家赢得比赛)
|X| |O|
| | | | // 玩家 1 在 (2, 2) 落子。
| | |X|
toe.move(1, 1, 2); -> 函数返回 0 (暂没有玩家赢得比赛)
|X| |O|
| |O| | // 玩家 2 在 (1, 1) 落子。
| | |X|
toe.move(2, 0, 1); -> 函数返回 0 (暂无玩家赢得比赛)
|X| |O|
| |O| | // 玩家 1 在 (2, 0) 落子。
|X| |X|
toe.move(1, 0, 2); -> 函数返回 0 (没有玩家赢得比赛)
|X| |O|
|O|O| | // 玩家 2 在 (1, 0) 落子.
|X| |X|
toe.move(2, 1, 1); -> 函数返回 1 (此时,玩家 1 赢得了该场比赛)
|X| |O|
|O|O| | // 玩家 1 在 (2, 1) 落子。
348 是道加锁题,对于每次玩家的move,可以用1275第二种解法中的checkWin 函数。下面代码给出了另一种基于1275解法一的方法:保存八个关键变量,每次落子后更新这个子所关联的某几个变量。
# AC
class TicTacToe:
def __init__(self, n:int):
Initialize your data structure here.
:type n: int
self.row, self.col, self.diag1, self.diag2, self.n = [0] * n, [0] * n, 0, 0, n
def move(self, row:int, col:int, player:int) -> int:
Player {player} makes a move at ({row}, {col}).
@param row The row of the board.
@param col The column of the board.
@param player The player, can be either 1 or 2.
@return The current winning condition, can be either:
0: No one wins.
1: Player 1 wins.
2: Player 2 wins.
if player == 2:
player = -1
self.row[row] += player
self.col[col] += player
if row == col:
self.diag1 += player
if row + col == self.n - 1:
self.diag2 += player
if self.n in [self.row[row], self.col[col], self.diag1, self.diag2]:
return 1
if -self.n in [self.row[row], self.col[col], self.diag1, self.diag2]:
return 2
return 0
井字棋的规模可以很自然的扩展成四子棋或五子棋等,区别在于棋盘大小和胜利时的连子数量。这类游戏最一般的形式为 M,n,k-game,中文可能翻译为战略井字游戏,表示棋盘大小为M x N,当k连子时获胜。下面的ConnectNGame类实现了战略井字游戏(M=N)中,两个玩家轮流下子、更新棋盘状态和判断每次落子输赢等逻辑封装。其中undo方法用于撤销最后一个落子,方便在后续寻找最佳策略时回溯。
class ConnectNGame:
def __init__(self, N:int = 3, board_size:int = 3):
assert N <= board_size
self.N = N
self.board_size = board_size
self.board = [[ConnectNGame.AVAILABLE] * board_size for _ in range(board_size)]
self.gameOver = False
self.gameResult = None
self.currentPlayer = ConnectNGame.PLAYER_A
self.remainingPosNum = board_size * board_size
self.actionStack = []
def move(self, r: int, c: int) -> int:
:param r:
:param c:
:return: None: game ongoing
assert self.board[r][c] == ConnectNGame.AVAILABLE
self.board[r][c] = self.currentPlayer
self.actionStack.append((r, c))
self.remainingPosNum -= 1
if self.checkWin(r, c):
self.gameOver = True
self.gameResult = self.currentPlayer
return self.currentPlayer
if self.remainingPosNum == 0:
self.gameOver = True
self.gameResult = ConnectNGame.RESULT_TIE
return ConnectNGame.RESULT_TIE
self.currentPlayer *= -1
def undo(self):
if len(self.actionStack) > 0:
lastAction = self.actionStack.pop()
r, c = lastAction
self.board[r][c] = ConnectNGame.AVAILABLE
self.currentPlayer = ConnectNGame.PLAYER_A if len(self.actionStack) % 2 == 0 else ConnectNGame.PLAYER_B
self.remainingPosNum += 1
self.gameOver = False
self.gameResult = None
raise Exception('No lastAction')
def getAvailablePositions(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
return [(i,j) for i in range(self.board_size) for j in range(self.board_size) if self.board[i][j] == ConnectNGame.AVAILABLE]
def getStatus(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, ...]]:
return tuple([tuple(self.board[i]) for i in range(self.board_size)])
先定义一个通用的策略基类和抽象方法 action。action表示给定一个棋盘状态,返回一个动作决定。返回Tuple的第一个int值表示估计走这一步的结局,第二个值类型是Tuple[int, int],表示这次落子的位置,例如(1,1)。
class Strategy(ABC):
def __init__(self):
def action(self, game: ConnectNGame) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]]:
MinimaxStrategy 的逻辑和之前的minimax模版算法大致相同,多了保存最佳move对应的动作,用于最后返回。
class MinimaxStrategy(Strategy):
def action(self, game: ConnectNGame) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]]:
self.game = copy.deepcopy(game)
result, move = self.minimax()
return result, move
def minimax(self) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]]:
game = self.game
bestMove = None
assert not game.gameOver
if game.currentPlayer == ConnectNGame.PLAYER_A:
ret = -math.inf
for pos in game.getAvailablePositions():
move = pos
result = game.move(*pos)
if result is None:
assert not game.gameOver
result, oppMove = self.minimax()
ret = max(ret, result)
bestMove = move if ret == result else bestMove
if ret == 1:
return 1, move
return ret, bestMove
ret = math.inf
for pos in game.getAvailablePositions():
move = pos
result = game.move(*pos)
if result is None:
assert not game.gameOver
result, oppMove = self.minimax()
ret = min(ret, result)
bestMove = move if ret == result else bestMove
if ret == -1:
return -1, move
return ret, bestMove
下面分别画出三种开局后进一步的游戏结局。有趣的是井字棋游戏的状态数量,简单的上限估算是 。这显然是个较宽泛的上限,因为很多状态在游戏结束后无法达到。这篇文章 Tic-Tac-Toe Naughts and Crosses, Cheese and Crackers, etc 中列出了每一步的状态数,合计5478个。
Moves | Positions | Terminal Positions |
0 | 1 | |
1 | 9 | |
2 | 72 | |
3 | 252 | |
4 | 756 | |
5 | 1260 | 120 |
6 | 1520 | 15120 |
7 | 1140 | 444 |
8 | 390 | 168 |
9 | 78 | 78 |
Total | 5478 | 958 |
class CountingMinimaxStrategy(Strategy):
def action(self, game: ConnectNGame) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]]:
self.game = copy.deepcopy(game)
self.dpMap = {}
result, move = self.minimax(game.getStatus())
return result, move
def minimax(self, gameStatus: Tuple[Tuple[int, ...]]) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]]:
# print(f'Current {len(strategy.dpMap)}')
if gameStatus in self.dpMap:
return self.dpMap[gameStatus]
game = self.game
bestMove = None
assert not game.gameOver
if game.currentPlayer == ConnectNGame.PLAYER_A:
ret = -math.inf
for pos in game.getAvailablePositions():
move = pos
result = game.move(*pos)
if result is None:
assert not game.gameOver
result, oppMove = self.minimax(game.getStatus())
self.dpMap[game.getStatus()] = result, oppMove
self.dpMap[game.getStatus()] = result, move
ret = max(ret, result)
bestMove = move if ret == result else bestMove
self.dpMap[gameStatus] = ret, bestMove
return ret, bestMove
ret = math.inf
for pos in game.getAvailablePositions():
move = pos
result = game.move(*pos)
if result is None:
assert not game.gameOver
result, oppMove = self.minimax(game.getStatus())
self.dpMap[game.getStatus()] = result, oppMove
self.dpMap[game.getStatus()] = result, move
ret = min(ret, result)
bestMove = move if ret == result else bestMove
self.dpMap[gameStatus] = ret, bestMove
return ret, bestMove
if __name__ == '__main__':
tic_tac_toe = ConnectNGame(N=3, board_size=3)
strategy = CountingMinimaxStrategy()
print(f'Game States Number {len(strategy.dpMap)}')
3x3 | 4x4 | |
k=3 | 5478 (Draw) | 6035992 (Win) |
k=4 | 9722011 (Draw) |
根据 Wikipedia M,n,k-game, 列出了一些小规模下的游戏解:
3x3 | 4x4 | 5x5 | 6x6 | |
k=3 | Draw | Win | Win | Win |
k=4 | Draw | Draw | Win | |
k=5 | Draw | Draw |
值得一提的是,五子棋(棋盘15x15或以上)被 L. Victor Allis证明是先手赢。
Alpha Beta 剪枝策略的代码如下(和之前代码比较类似,不再赘述):
class AlphaBetaStrategy(Strategy):
def action(self, game: ConnectNGame) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]]:
self.game = game
result, move = self.alpha_beta(self.game.getStatus(), -math.inf, math.inf)
return result, move
def alpha_beta(self, gameStatus: Tuple[Tuple[int, ...]], alpha:int=None, beta:int=None) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]]:
game = self.game
bestMove = None
assert not game.gameOver
if game.currentPlayer == ConnectNGame.PLAYER_A:
ret = -math.inf
for pos in game.getAvailablePositions():
move = pos
result = game.move(*pos)
if result is None:
assert not game.gameOver
result, oppMove = self.alpha_beta(game.getStatus(), alpha, beta)
alpha = max(alpha, result)
ret = max(ret, result)
bestMove = move if ret == result else bestMove
if alpha >= beta or ret == 1:
return ret, move
return ret, bestMove
ret = math.inf
for pos in game.getAvailablePositions():
move = pos
result = game.move(*pos)
if result is None:
assert not game.gameOver
result, oppMove = self.alpha_beta(game.getStatus(), alpha, beta)
beta = min(beta, result)
ret = min(ret, result)
bestMove = move if ret == result else bestMove
if alpha >= beta or ret == -1:
return ret, move
return ret, bestMove
Alpha Beta 的DP版本中,由于lru_cache无法指定cache的有效参数,递归函数并没有传入alpha, beta。因此我们将alpha,beta参数隐式放入自己维护的栈中,并保证栈的状态和alpha_beta_dp函数调用状态一致。
class AlphaBetaDPStrategy(Strategy):
def action(self, game: ConnectNGame) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]]:
self.game = game
self.alphaBetaStack = [(-math.inf, math.inf)]
result, move = self.alpha_beta_dp(self.game.getStatus())
return result, move
def alpha_beta_dp(self, gameStatus: Tuple[Tuple[int, ...]]) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[int, int]]:
alpha, beta = self.alphaBetaStack[-1]
game = self.game
bestMove = None
assert not game.gameOver
if game.currentPlayer == ConnectNGame.PLAYER_A:
ret = -math.inf
for pos in game.getAvailablePositions():
move = pos
result = game.move(*pos)
if result is None:
assert not game.gameOver
self.alphaBetaStack.append((alpha, beta))
result, oppMove = self.alpha_beta_dp(game.getStatus())
alpha = max(alpha, result)
ret = max(ret, result)
bestMove = move if ret == result else bestMove
if alpha >= beta or ret == 1:
return ret, move
return ret, bestMove
ret = math.inf
for pos in game.getAvailablePositions():
move = pos
result = game.move(*pos)
if result is None:
assert not game.gameOver
self.alphaBetaStack.append((alpha, beta))
result, oppMove = self.alpha_beta_dp(game.getStatus())
beta = min(beta, result)
ret = min(ret, result)
bestMove = move if ret == result else bestMove
if alpha >= beta or ret == -1:
return ret, move
return ret, bestMove
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