Imprecise vowel articulation can be observed in people with Parkinson's disease (PD). Acoustic features measuring vowel articulation have been demonstrated to be effective indicators of PD in its assessment. Standard clinical vowel articulation features of vowel working space area (VSA), vowel articulation index (VAI) and formants centralization ratio (FCR), are derived the first two formants of the three corner vowels /a/, /i/ and /u/. Conventionally, manual annotation of the corner vowels from speech data is required before measuring vowel articulation. This process is time-consuming. The present work aims to reduce human effort in clinical analysis of PD speech by proposing an automatic pipeline for vowel articulation assessment. The method is based on automatic corner vowel detection using a language universal phoneme recognizer, followed by statistical analysis of the formant data. The approach removes the restrictions of prior knowledge of speaking content and the language in question. Experimental results on a Finnish PD speech corpus demonstrate the efficacy and reliability of the proposed automatic method in deriving VAI, VSA, FCR and F2i/F2u (the second formant ratio for vowels /i/ and /u/). The automatically computed parameters are shown to be highly correlated with features computed with manual annotations of corner vowels. In addition, automatically and manually computed vowel articulation features have comparable correlations with experts' ratings on speech intelligibility, voice impairment and overall severity of communication disorder. Language-independence of the proposed approach is further validated on a Spanish PD database, PC-GITA, as well as on TORGO corpus of English dysarthric speech.
翻译:在帕金森病(PD)患者中,可以观察到隐性宣誓关系。在评估时,用字词表达的声学特征测量公誓关系表达是PD的有效指标。标准公誓关系空间区(VSA)、公誓关系表达指数(VAI)和形成体集中率(FCR)的标准公誓关系表达特征是三个角落公誓/a/、i/和/u/. 在衡量公誓关系表达之前,需要用人工说明语句数据中角落的公元音。这个过程耗时。目前的工作旨在减少人对PD言论临床分析的努力,为此提议一个自动管道进行公誓关系表达评估。该方法基于使用通用语言语音识别器自动检测角落公誓关系,随后对形式数据进行统计分析。该方法消除了先前对语言内容和所涉语言知识的限制。芬兰PD言语资料库的实验结果显示,拟议的自动方法在生成VAI、FCR和F2/FFloralalisality的言词表达方式表达方式上,在Syal-comalal-ralbilental oralalal oral oral oralation oralex oralalalalaltia ex ex exex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex ex exexexexexexex 和Oralblorlortibal ex ex ex exal ex exmalation exmlation ex ex ex ex 和英译 和英译为英译为英译为英译/FCiraltiblation/F2 和英译为英译/F2 。