The antibiotics time machine is an optimization question posed by Mira \latin{et al.} on the design of antibiotic treatment plans to minimize antibiotic resistance. The problem is a variation of the Markov decision process. These authors asked if the problem can be solved efficiently. In this paper, we show that this problem is NP-hard in general.
翻译:抗生素时间机是Mira\latin{et al.}提出的一个优化问题,它涉及抗生素治疗计划的设计,以尽量减少抗生素抗药性。问题在于马尔科夫决定程序的变异。这些作者询问这个问题能否得到有效解决。在本文中,我们显示这个问题总的来说是难以解决的。