The problem of the new energy economy has become a global hot issue. This study examines the causal relationship between the ratio of thermal power in total power generation (RTPG) and economic growth (GDP) in the western and central China by using the heterogeneous mixed panel Granger causality approach that accounts for both slope heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence. For the overall panel, the empirical findings support the presence of unidirectional causality running from GDP to RTPG (in northwest China), and from RTPG to GDP (in central). At the provincial level, there is causality from GDP to RTPG in NeiMongol and Ningxia, and causality from RTPG to GDP in Shanxi, Anhui, and Jiangxi. As for the cross regions relationships, we find that GDP (in western) Granger-cause RTPG (in central), and RTPG (in southwest) Granger-cause GDP (in central and northwest). Moreover, panel regressions show the negative impact from GDP to RTPG in the northwest, and RTPG to GDP in the central. However, RTPG has a positive influence on GDP in the northwest. Therefore, to improve economic development without compromising the regions' competitiveness in central and western China, we can adjust the power generation structure, and increase investments in the renewable energy supply and energy efficiency.
翻译:新的能源经济问题已成为全球热点问题。本项研究通过采用多种混合的板块加热因果方法,研究中国西部和中部热发电总发电量与中国中西部高电量比之间的因果关系。对于整体小组来说,经验结论支持了从GDP到高电量发电量的单向因果关系(中国西北部),从高电量发电量到GDP(中西部),从高电量发电量到GDP(中西部)。在省一级,NeiMongol和Ningxia地区,热电量发电量与中国中西部高电量发电量之间的因果关系,以及高电压发电量对掸西、安徽和江西地区GDP的因果关系。关于跨地区关系,我们发现GDP(西部)加热因高电量发电量和高电压热气发电(西南西部)的独向性因果关系存在。 此外,小组的回归表明,西北地区GDP到高电量发电量和中西部GDP结构的负影响。然而,在中国,高电量和中能源生产部,高电量投资对中国的竞争力的不断提升至中国。