Alertness monitoring in the context of driving improves safety and saves lives. Computer vision based alertness monitoring is an active area of research. However, the algorithms and datasets that exist for alertness monitoring are primarily aimed at younger adults (18-50 years old). We present a system for in-vehicle alertness monitoring for older adults. Through a design study, we ascertained the variables and parameters that are suitable for older adults traveling independently in Level 5 vehicles. We implemented a prototype traveler monitoring system and evaluated the alertness detection algorithm on ten older adults (70 years and older). We report on the system design and implementation at a level of detail that is suitable for the beginning researcher or practitioner. Our study suggests that dataset development is the foremost challenge for developing alertness monitoring systems targeted at older adults. This study is the first of its kind for a hitherto under-studied population and has implications for future work on algorithm development and system design through participatory methods.
翻译:驾驶时的警觉性监测可以提高安全性和拯救生命; 计算机视觉警戒性监测是一个活跃的研究领域; 然而,用于警戒性监测的算法和数据集主要针对年轻成人(18-50岁); 我们为老年人提供一个车辆警报性监测系统; 通过设计研究,我们确定了适合老年人独立乘坐5级车辆的变数和参数; 我们实施了原型旅行者监测系统,并评估了10个老年人(70岁和70岁以上)的警戒性检测算法; 我们报告系统的设计和实施情况,其详细程度适合初始研究人员或从业人员; 我们的研究显示,数据集的发展是针对老年人发展警报性监测系统的最大挑战; 这项研究是迄今为止研究不足的人口的首个此类研究,对今后通过参与性方法进行算法发展和系统设计的工作具有影响。