Modern vehicles, including connected vehicles and autonomous vehicles, nowadays involve many electronic control units connected through intra-vehicle networks to implement various functionalities and perform actions. Modern vehicles are also connected to external networks through vehicle-to-everything technologies, enabling their communications with other vehicles, infrastructures, and smart devices. However, the improving functionality and connectivity of modern vehicles also increase their vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks targeting both intra-vehicle and external networks due to the large attack surfaces. To secure vehicular networks, many researchers have focused on developing intrusion detection systems (IDSs) that capitalize on machine learning methods to detect malicious cyber-attacks. In this paper, the vulnerabilities of intra-vehicle and external networks are discussed, and a multi-tiered hybrid IDS that incorporates a signature-based IDS and an anomaly-based IDS is proposed to detect both known and unknown attacks on vehicular networks. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed system can detect various types of known attacks with 99.99% accuracy on the CAN-intrusion-dataset representing the intra-vehicle network data and 99.88% accuracy on the CICIDS2017 dataset illustrating the external vehicular network data. For the zero-day attack detection, the proposed system achieves high F1-scores of 0.963 and 0.800 on the above two datasets, respectively. The average processing time of each data packet on a vehicle-level machine is less than 0.6 ms, which shows the feasibility of implementing the proposed system in real-time vehicle systems. This emphasizes the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed IDS.
翻译:目前,现代车辆的功能和连通性也增加了其易受针对车辆内和外部网络的网络攻击的脆弱性。为了保障车辆网络的安全,许多研究人员侧重于开发入侵探测系统(IDS),利用机器学习方法发现恶意的网络攻击。本文讨论了车辆内部和外部网络的脆弱性,并讨论了多层次混合综合数据系统,其中包括基于签名的国际数据系统和基于异常的信息数据系统,以探测已知和未知的对车辆网络的攻击。实验结果显示,拟议的系统能够探测出各种已知的攻击,而CAN-内入侵数据集的准确度为99.99%,代表了内部网络的数据,以及CICIDIS-2017号内部和外部网络的准确度。本文讨论了车辆内部和外部网络的脆弱性,并提出了多层次的混合综合数据系统,其中含有基于签名的国际数据系统和基于异常的信息数据系统,以检测对车辆网络的已知和未知的攻击。 拟议的CAN-内入侵数据集的准确度为99.99%,代表了内部网络的数据,而CICIDIS-2017号内部网络的准确度为99.88%。这一数据集在每两层的系统上都显示的是空中系统的平均数据系统。