Downsampling and feature extraction are essential procedures for 3D point cloud understanding. Existing methods are limited by the inconsistent point densities of different parts in the point cloud. In this work, we analyze the limitation of the downsampling stage and propose the pre-abstraction group-wise window-normalization module. In particular, the window-normalization method is leveraged to unify the point densities in different parts. Furthermore, the group-wise strategy is proposed to obtain multi-type features, including texture and spatial information. We also propose the pre-abstraction module to balance local and global features. Extensive experiments show that our module performs better on several tasks. In segmentation tasks on S3DIS (Area 5), the proposed module performs better on small object recognition, and the results have more precise boundaries than others. The recognition of the sofa and the column is improved from 69.2% to 84.4% and from 42.7% to 48.7%, respectively. The benchmarks are improved from 71.7%/77.6%/91.9% (mIoU/mAcc/OA) to 72.2%/78.2%/91.4%. The accuracies of 6-fold cross-validation on S3DIS are 77.6%/85.8%/91.7%. It outperforms the best model PointNeXt-XL (74.9%/83.0%/90.3%) by 2.7% on mIoU and achieves state-of-the-art performance. The code and models are available at
翻译:抽查和特征提取是 3D 点云理解的基本程序 。 现有的方法受到点云中不同部分的不一致性点密度的限制 。 在这项工作中, 我们分析下标阶段的限制, 并提议采用节食前组合窗口调整模块 。 特别是, 利用窗口调整方法将不同部分的点密度统一起来 。 此外, 组间战略是要获得多类型特性, 包括纹理和空间信息 。 我们还提议了吸附前模块, 以平衡本地和全球特性 。 广泛的实验显示, 我们的模块在几个任务上表现得更好 。 在 S3DIS (Area 5) 的分割任务中, 拟议的模块在小对象识别方面表现得更好, 并且结果比其他部分的界限更精确。 对 sofa 和该栏的识别分别从69.2% 提高到84.4% 和 42. 至48.7% 。 基准由71. 77. ral. SS/91. (mI/ 3/ mark/OA) 改进为72. 2- 7.2%- NL. 0.% XIA. surisl.