Decentralized Exchanges (DEXes) such as UniSwap allow users to create trading pools between any pair of cryptocurrencies. The exchange rate of each trading pool is independent, which introduces arbitrage opportunities with trading through different cryptocurrencies: Traders are able to trade cryptocurrencies cyclically: A trader can exchange currency $A$ for $B$, then $B$ for $C$, and finally $C$ for $A$ again through three different trading pools. Almost surely, the three floating exchange rates are not perfectly in sync, which opens up arbitrage possibilities for cyclic trading. In this paper, we study cyclic arbitrages in DEXes of cryptocurrencies with transaction-level data on Uniswap, measuring 285,127 cyclic arbitrages over nine months. We conduct a theoretical analysis and an empirical evaluation to understand cyclic arbitrages systematically. We study the market size (the revenue and the cost) of cyclic arbitrages, the influence of cyclic arbitrages, and the implementations of cyclic arbitrages.Beyond the understanding of cyclic arbitrages, this paper suggests that with the smart contract technology and the replicated state machine setting of Ethereum, arbitrage strategies are easier implemented in DEXes than in Centralized Exchanges (CEXes). We find that deploying private smart contracts to implement cyclic arbitrages is more resilient to front-running attacks than applying cyclic arbitrages through public (open-source) smart contracts.
翻译:UniSwap等分散化交易所(DEX)允许用户在任何一对加密交易之间创建交易池。 每个交易池的汇率都是独立的,这通过不同的加密交易带来了套利机会:交易商能够周期性地交易加密:交易商可以用美元换货币,然后用B美元换C美元,最后通过三个不同的交易池又用C美元换C美元。几乎可以肯定,三个浮动汇率并不完全同步,为周期性交易开辟了套利可能性。在本报纸中,我们用Uniswap的交易数据来研究套利交易机会:交易商可以在九个月中进行套利交易:一个交易商可以用美元兑换,然后用B$C美元换C美元,最后通过三个不同的交易池来系统理解周期性仲裁。我们研究了周期性仲裁的市场规模(公开性仲裁的收益和成本 ), 循环性仲裁仲裁的影响力, 以及这种货币仲裁规则的实施。