We design new polynomial-time algorithms for recovering planted cliques in the semi-random graph model introduced by Feige and Kilian~\cite{FK01}. The previous best algorithms for this model succeed if the planted clique has size at least \(n^{2/3}\) in a graph with \(n\) vertices (Mehta, Mckenzie, Trevisan, 2019 and Charikar, Steinhardt, Valiant 2017). Our algorithms work for planted-clique sizes approaching \(n^{1/2}\) -- the information-theoretic threshold in the semi-random model~\cite{steinhardt2017does} and a conjectured computational threshold even in the easier fully-random model. This result comes close to resolving open questions by Feige and Steinhardt. Our algorithms are based on higher constant degree sum-of-squares relaxation and rely on a new conceptual connection that translates certificates of upper bounds on biclique numbers in \emph{unbalanced} bipartite Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi random graphs into algorithms for semi-random planted clique. The use of a higher-constant degree sum-of-squares is essential in our setting: we prove a lower bound on the basic SDP for certifying bicliques that shows that the basic SDP cannot succeed for planted cliques of size $k =o(n^{2/3})$. We also provide some evidence that the information-computation trade-off of our current algorithms may be inherent by proving an average-case lower bound for unbalanced bicliques in the low-degree-polynomials model.
翻译:我们在Feige 和 Kilian ⁇ cite{FK01} 推出的半随机图模型中设计新的聚氨基时间算法,以恢复种植的芯片。如果种植的螺旋至少有大小至少\\(n ⁇ 2/3 ⁇ ),则这一模型的先前最佳算法成功。这个结果接近于用\(n) 脊椎(Mehta, Mckenzie, Trevisan, 2019 和 Charikar, Steinhardt, Valiant 2017) 的图中解决未决问题。我们的算法基于更高不变的货币总和度,并依靠一个新的概念连接来将当前(n ⁇ 1/2 ⁇ )-正数上层的信息值转换为 半随机基数的基数 3- clodaldalt+Sreval_rickal_ral_rickral_rickral_rick_ral_rick_ral_rick_ral_rick_r_rick_ral_ral_ral_rick_rick_rick_ral_rick_rick_rick_rick_rick_r_r_r_r_s_ral_ral_ral_ral_ral_ral_ral_ral_ral_r_l_r_l_ral_ral_l_ma_s_ma_ma_ma_ma_ma_ma_ma_ma_ma_ma_ma_ma_l_l_l_l_l_l_ma_s_s_s_s_l_s_s_s_s_s_s_s_s_s_ral_s_s_s_ral_s_ral_ral_s_s_s_s_ral_ral_ma_ma_ma_ma_ma_ma_ma_s_ral_ral_ral_s_s_s_s_s_s_s_r_r_r_r_r_r_r_r_r_r_r_r_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_