Most of the major databases on the semantic web have links to Princeton WordNet (PWN) synonym set (synset) identifiers, which differ for each PWN release, and are thus incompatible between versions. On the other hand, both PWN and the more recent Open English Wordnet (OEWN) provide permanent word sense identifiers (the sense keys), which can solve this interoperability problem. We present an algorithm that runs in linear time, to automatically derive a synset mapping between any pair of Wordnet versions that use PWN sense keys. This allows to update old WordNet links, and seamlessly interoperate with newer English Wordnet versions for which no prior mapping exists. By applying the proposed algorithm on the fly, at load time, we combine the Open Multilingual Wordnet (OMW 1.4, which uses old PWN 3.0 identifiers) with OEWN Edition 2021, and obtain almost perfect precision and recall. We compare the results of our approach using respectively synset offsets, versus the Collaborative InterLingual Index (CILI version 1.0) as synset identifiers, and find that the synset offsets perform better than CILI 1.0 in all cases, except a few ties.
翻译:语义网络上的大多数主要数据库都链接到普林斯顿 WordNet (PWN) 的同义词集( Synset) 标识器,这些标识器对每个 PWN 发布版本都有差异,因此各版本之间互不兼容。 另一方面, PWN 和最近的 Open Englian Wordnet (OEWN) 都提供永久的单词感应识别器(感知键), 这可以解决这个互操作性问题。 我们提出了一个以线性时间运行的算法, 可以自动在使用 PWN 感知键的Wordnet 版本的任何一对一对的 Wordnet (PWN) 版本之间绘制同步图。 这样可以更新旧的WordNet 链接, 并且用新的英文Wordnet 版本进行无缝的互操作。 通过在飞行上应用拟议的算法, 在装载时间, 我们将 OEWN 3.0 标识器与 OEWN Edition 2021 的 Own 相连接器结合起来, 并且 。 我们比较了方法的结果, 分别使用 synset commet commet commet vilational Invilational Inviews 1.0t 1.0ds 10ds 。</s>