Automated tools are frequently used in social coding repositories to perform repetitive activities that are part of the distributed software development process. Recently, GitHub introduced GitHub Actions, a feature providing automated workflows for repository maintainers. Although several Actions have been built and used by practitioners, relatively little has been done to evaluate them. Understanding and anticipating the effects of adopting such kind of technology is important for planning and management. Our research is the first to investigate how developers use Actions and how several activity indicators change after their adoption. Our results indicate that, although only a small subset of repositories adopted GitHub Actions to date, there is a positive perception of the technology. Our findings also indicate that the adoption of GitHub Actions increases the number of monthly rejected pull requests and decreases the monthly number of commits on merged pull requests. These results are especially relevant for practitioners to understand and prevent undesirable effects on their projects.
翻译:社会编码库经常使用自动化工具来开展作为分布式软件开发过程一部分的重复活动。最近,GitHub公司引进了GitHub Action公司,这是一个为仓库维护者提供自动工作流程的功能。虽然已经建立并使用了若干行动,但实际操作者为评估这些行动做了相对较少的工作。了解和预测采用这类技术的效果对于规划和管理十分重要。我们的研究是第一个调查开发者如何使用行动以及若干活动指标在通过之后如何变化的研究。我们的研究结果表明,尽管迄今为止只有一小部分储存者采用了GitHub Action公司,但对技术还是有正面的看法。我们的调查结果还表明,采用GitHub Action公司增加了每月被拒绝的拉动请求的数量,并减少了对合并拉动请求的每月承诺数量。这些结果对于从业人员了解和防止对其项目产生不良影响特别重要。