The smooth heap is a recently introduced self-adjusting heap [Kozma, Saranurak, 2018] similar to the pairing heap [Fredman, Sedgewick, Sleator, Tarjan, 1986]. The smooth heap was obtained as a heap-counterpart of Greedy BST, a binary search tree updating strategy conjectured to be \emph{instance-optimal} [Lucas, 1988], [Munro, 2000]. Several adaptive properties of smooth heaps follow from this connection; moreover, the smooth heap itself has been conjectured to be instance-optimal within a certain class of heaps. Nevertheless, no general analysis of smooth heaps has existed until now, the only previous analysis showing that, when used in \emph{sorting mode} ($n$ insertions followed by $n$ delete-min operations), smooth heaps sort $n$ numbers in $O(n\lg n)$ time. In this paper we describe a simpler variant of the smooth heap we call the \emph{slim heap}. We give a new, self-contained analysis of smooth heaps and slim heaps in unrestricted operation, obtaining amortized bounds that match the best bounds known for self-adjusting heaps. Previous experimental work has found the pairing heap to dominate other data structures in this class in various settings. Our tests show that smooth heaps and slim heaps are competitive with pairing heaps, outperforming them in some cases, while being comparably easy to implement.
翻译:平滑的堆肥是最近推出的自我调整型堆肥 [Kozma, Saranurak, 2018] 类似配对型堆肥[Fredman, Sedgewick, Sleator, Tarjan, 1986]。 平滑的堆肥是作为贪婪的BST的堆积成的。 贪婪的堆肥( 贪婪的堆肥) 是一个二进制搜索树的更新战略, 被推测为\emph{ Instance- optimal} [Lucas, 1988] [Munro, 2000] 。 平滑的堆肥肥肥的数个适应性能源自于此级; 此外, 平滑的堆肥滑的堆肥本身被推断为最优的体格。 然而, 直到现在, 平滑的堆肥的堆肥的堆肥结构还没有全面分析过 。 当在\emph{s demotemin 操作中使用时, 顺的堆肥的堆肥的堆肥的堆肥数量是美元。 在本文中, 我们的平滑的滚动的体分析中找到了最简单的堆肥的体 。