We study the complexity of a range of propositional proof systems which allow inference rules of the form: from a set of clauses $\Gamma$ derive the set of clauses $\Gamma \cup \{ C \}$ where, due to some syntactic condition, $\Gamma \cup \{ C \}$ is satisfiable if $\Gamma$ is, but where $\Gamma$ does not necessarily imply $C$. These inference rules include BC, RAT, SPR and PR (respectively short for blocked clauses, resolution asymmetric tautologies, subset propagation redundancy and propagation redundancy), which arose from work in satisfiability (SAT) solving. We introduce a new, more general rule SR (substitution redundancy). If the new clause $C$ is allowed to include new variables then the systems based on these rules are all equivalent to extended resolution. We focus on restricted systems that do not allow new variables. The systems with deletion, where we can delete a clause from our set at any time, are denoted DBC${}^-$, DRAT${}^-$, DSPR${}^-$, DPR${}^-$ and DSR${}^-$. The systems without deletion are BC${}^-$, RAT${}^-$, SPR${}^-$, PR${}^-$ and SR${}^-$. With deletion, we show that DRAT${}^-$, DSPR${}^-$ and DPR${}^-$ are equivalent. By earlier work of Kiesl, Rebola-Pardo and Heule, they are also equivalent to DBC${}^-$. Without deletion, we show that SPR${}^-$ can simulate PR${}^-$ provided only short clauses are inferred by SPR inferences. We also show that many of the well-known "hard" principles have small SPR${}^-$ refutations. These include the pigeonhole principle, bit pigeonhole principle, parity principle, Tseitin tautologies and clique-coloring tautologies. SPR${}^-$ can also handle or-fication and xor-ification, and lifting with an index gadget. Our final result is an exponential size lower bound for RAT${}^-$ refutations, giving exponential separations between RAT${}^-$ and both DRAT${}^-$ and SPR${}^-$.
翻译:我们研究一系列允许推断形式规则的标本证明制度的复杂性:从一套条款中,美元Gamma$产生一套条款,美元Gamma$=Gamma=cup =C $C$,由于某种合成条件,美元Gamma=cup =C $美元是可讽刺的,但如果美元Gamma$是,但美元并不一定意味着美元。这些推理规则包括BC、RAT、SPR和PR(对于被封条款、非平价、子传播冗余和传播冗余的优短条款)。我们引入了新的、更一般的SR(替代性冗余),如果允许新的条款包含新的变数,那么基于这些规则的系统就等于延期解决。我们侧重于不允许新变数的限制性系统。我们删除的系统是免费的,我们也可以删除一个条款,我们从任何时间中删除的RBC$-美元、DAR$美元、RAT-xxxxxx美元、显示R-R-R-sl-Rxxxmal 和DF的变现。