In this paper, we investigate projection-based intrusive and data-driven non-intrusive model order reduction (MOR) methods in the numerical simulation of the rotating thermal shallow water equation (RTSWE) in parametric and non-parametric form. The RTSWE is a non-canonical Hamiltonian partial differential equation (PDE) with the associated conserved quantities, i.e., Hamiltonian (energy), mass, buoyancy, and the total vorticity. Discretization of the RTSWE in space with centered finite differences leads to Hamiltonian system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with linear and quadratic terms. The intrusive reduced-order model (ROM) is constructed with the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) with the Galerkin projection (POD-G). We apply the operator inference (OpInf) with re-projection for non-intrusive reduced-order modeling.The OpInf non-intrusively learns a reduced model from state snapshot and time derivative which approximate the evolution of the RTSWE within a low-dimensional subspace. The OpInf data sampling scheme to obtain re-projected trajectories of the RTSWE corresponding to Markovian dynamics in low-dimensional subspaces, recovers of reduced models with high accuracy. In the parametric case, for both methods, we make use of the parameter dependency at the level of the PDE without interpolating between the reduced operators. The least-squares problem of the OpInf is regularized with the minimum norm solution. Both reduced models are able to accurately re-predict the training data and capture much of the overall system behavior in the prediction period. Due to re-projection, the OpInf is more costly than the POG-G, nevertheless, speed-up factors of order two are achieved for both ROMs. Numerical results demonstrate that the conserved quantities of the RTSWE are preserved for both ROMs over time and the long-term stability of the reduced solutions is achieved.
翻译:在本文中,我们调查以投影为基础的侵扰性和数据驱动的非侵入性模型在参数和非参数形式的旋转热浅水方程式(RTGWE)的数值模拟中采用以数据驱动的非侵入性非侵入性和非侵入性模型减少顺序的方法。RTSWE是一个非卡门的汉密尔顿部分差异方程式(PDE),相关数量为汉密尔顿(能源)、质量、浮力和总体园艺。在空间中,RTSWE的偏差和中点差异导致汉密尔顿式普通差异方程式(ODEs)的线性模拟(MOR)。 入侵性定期降序模型(ROM)的构建与适当或图层分层分解分解(PODE)的分解(PPDEE)分解性部分方程式(PPPEFE)是非侵入性缩略性模型的重新预测值。 在低位次空间中, RTWI的精确度数据流流中, 最低的分解性数据流流流流流流流流流数据是两种数据流数据流到回流流数据,在RTFIFODO值中, 极中, 最慢的流中, 最低的分流数据流数据流流数据流数据流数据流流流流为两种数据流流流流至回流流流流流流数据为两种数据流流流流数据为两种数据流流流流流流向向向数据流流流流流流流流向向向向。