Machining processes are most accurately described using complex dynamical systems that include nonlinearities, time delays, and stochastic effects. Due to the nature of these models as well as the practical challenges which include time-varying parameters, the transition from numerical/analytical modeling of machining to the analysis of real cutting signals remains challenging. Some studies have focused on studying the time series of cutting processes using machine learning algorithms with the goal of identifying and predicting undesirable vibrations during machining referred to as chatter. These tools typically decompose the signal using Wavelet Packet Transforms (WPT) or Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD). However, these methods require a significant overhead in identifying the feature vectors before a classifier can be trained. In this study, we present an alternative approach based on featurizing the time series of the cutting process using its topological features. We first embed the time series as a point cloud using Takens embedding. We then utilize Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, Random Forest and Gradient Boosting classifier combined with feature vectors derived from persistence diagrams, a tool from persistent homology, to encode chatter's distinguishing characteristics. We present the results for several choices of the topological feature vectors, and we compare our results to the WPT and EEMD methods using experimental turning data. Our results show that in two out of four cutting configurations the TDA-based features yield accuracies as high as 97%. We also show that combining Bezier curve approximation method and parallel computing can reduce runtime for persistence diagram computation of a single time series to less than a second thus making our approach suitable for online chatter detection.
翻译:使用包括非线性、时间延迟和随机效应在内的复杂动态系统来最准确地描述断层进程。由于这些模型的性质以及包括时间变化参数在内的实际挑战,从计算机的数字/分析模型到分析实际切削信号的过渡仍然具有挑战性。一些研究侧重于研究使用机器学习算法进行剪切过程的时间序列,目的是在机械处理过程中识别和预测不受欢迎的振动。这些工具通常会用Wavelet Packet变换(WPT)或Ensmble Epristical Mode Decomposition(EEMD)来拆分信号。然而,由于这些模型的性质以及包括时间变化参数变化参数等特点的性质,这些方法需要大量的间接确定特性矢量,然后进行分类,在这个研究中,我们用机器学习算算算算算算法,然后将时间序列作为点云。我们首先将时间序列作为点云嵌入工具嵌入。我们随后还利用支持Vector机、物流回归、随机森林和累变动力导变动力变等的信号,然后用我们用当前直径直径直径解的直径直径解结果,然后用一种直径直径解结果,然后用我们从直径解结果进行直径解的直径解结果,然后用一种直径解算算算算算算算算算算算算算算算。