The objective of this paper is to develop simple techniques to bound the optimal uplink sum-rate of multi-user RIS-aided wireless systems. Specifically, we develop a novel technique called \textit{channel separation} which provides a new understanding as to how the RIS phases affect the sum-rate. Leveraging channel separation, we derive upper and lower bounds on the optimal sum-rate. In addition, we propose a low-complexity alternating optimization algorithm to obtain near-optimal sum-rate results. Numerical results demonstrate the tightness of the bounds and show that the alternating optimization approach delivers sum-rate values similar to the results of a full numerical optimization procedure. Furthermore, in practical scenarios where hardware limitations cause the RIS phases to be quantized, our lower bound can still be applied and shows that the sum-rate is robust to quantization, even with low resolution.
翻译:本文的目的是开发简单技术,将多用户的RIS辅助无线系统的最佳上行链路总和绑定起来。 具体而言,我们开发了一种叫作\ textit{channe separate} 的新型技术,该技术为RIS 阶段如何影响总和提供了新的理解。 利用频道分离,我们在最佳总和上得出上下限。 此外,我们提出了低复杂度交替优化算法,以获得接近最佳总和率的结果。 数字结果显示界限的紧凑性,并表明交替优化方法提供了与完全数字优化程序结果类似的总和率值。 此外,在硬件限制导致RIS 阶段四分化的实际情况下,我们的下限仍然可以应用,并表明总和率对于量化是强大的,即使分辨率低。