COVID-19 is having a dramatic impact on research and researchers. The pandemic has underlined the severity of known challenges in research and surfaced new ones, but also accelerated the adoption of innovations and manifested new opportunities. This review considers early trends emerging from meta-research on COVID-19. In particular, it focuses on the following topics: i) mapping COVID-19 research; ii) data and machine learning; iii) research practices including open access and open data, reviewing, publishing and funding; iv) communicating research to the public; v) the impact of COVID-19 on researchers, in particular with respect to gender and career trajectories. This overview finds that most early meta-research on COVID-19 has been reactive and focused on short-term questions, while more recently a shift to consider the long-term consequences of COVID-19 is taking place. Based on these findings, the author speculates that some aspects of doing research during COVID-19 are more likely to persist than others. These include: the shift to virtual for academic events such as conferences; the use of openly accessible pre-prints; the `datafication' of scholarly literature and consequent broader adoption of machine learning in science communication; the public visibility of research and researchers on social and online media.
翻译:该流行病突出显示了研究领域已知挑战的严重性,并呈现出新的挑战,但也加快了创新的采用,并展示了新的机会。本审查考虑了COVID-19元研究中出现的早期趋势。特别是,本审查侧重于以下专题:(一) 测绘COVID-19研究;(二) 数据和机器学习;(三) 包括开放存取和开放数据、审查、出版和供资在内的研究做法;(四) 向公众通报研究;(五) COVID-19对研究人员的影响,特别是在性别和职业轨迹方面。本概览发现,关于COVID-19的早期元研究大多是被动反应的,侧重于短期问题,而最近,正在转变,以考虑COVID-19的长期后果。根据这些调查结果,作者推测,COVID-19期间开展研究的某些方面比其他方面更有可能持续存在。其中包括:向虚拟学术活动转变,如会议等;使用可公开查阅的预印本;在科学方面,对COVID-19的早期元研究进行了反应,侧重于短期问题,而最近正在转变,以审议COVID-19的长期后果。根据这些研究结果,作者推测,COVID-19期间开展研究的某些方面比其他方面更可能比其他方面更为持久。其中包括:向虚拟会议等学术活动转移为虚拟活动;在学术活动上;使用公开查阅;利用公开的会前印刷印刷品;在公共和在线学习;随后的科学研究和网上学习。