Real-time graphics is commonly thought of as anything exceeding about 30 fps, where the interactivity of the application becomes fluid enough for high rates of interaction. Inspired by esports and competitive gaming, where players regularly exceed the threshold for real-time by 10x (esports displays commonly reach 360 Hz or beyond), this talk begins the exploration of how rendering has the opportunity to evolve beyond the current state of focus on either image quality or frame rate. Esports gamers regularly decline nearly all options for increased image quality in exchange for maximum frame rates. However, there remains a distinct opportunity to move beyond the focus on video as a sequence of images and instead rethink the pipeline for more continuous updates.
翻译:实时图形通常被视为超过大约30英尺的图像,其中应用程序的交互性变得足以满足高互动率的流动性。 在Esports和竞争性赌博的启发下,玩家经常超过实时阈值10x(运动显示通常达到360赫兹或以上),这一演讲开始探索如何让图像的演变机会超越当前对图像质量或框架率的关注状态。 Esports游戏家经常减少几乎所有提高图像质量的选项,以换取最高框架率。然而,仍然有独特的机会超越对视频的关注,将视频作为图像的序列,而重新思考更持续更新的管道。