Network meta-analysis (NMA) allows the combination of direct and indirect evidence from a set of randomized clinical trials. Performing NMA using individual patient data (IPD) is considered as a gold standard approach as it provides several advantages over NMA based on aggregate data. For example, it allows to perform advanced modelling of covariates or covariate-treatment interactions. An important issue in IPD NMA is the selection of influential parameters among terms that account for inconsistency, covariates, covariate-by-treatment interactions or non-proportionality of treatments effect for time to event data. This issue has not been deeply studied in the literature yet and in particular not for time-to-event data. A major difficulty is to jointly account for between-trial heterogeneity which could have a major influence on the selection process. The use of penalized generalized mixed effect model is a solution, but existing implementations have several shortcomings and an important computational cost that precludes their use for complex IPD NMA. In this article, we propose a penalized Poisson regression model to perform IPD NMA of time-to-event data. It is based only on fixed effect parameters which improve its computational cost over the use of random effects. It could be easily implemented using existing penalized regression package. Computer code is shared for implementation. The methods were applied on simulated data to illustrate the importance to take into account between trial heterogeneity during the selection procedure. Finally, it was applied to an IPD NMA of overall survival of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
翻译:网络元分析(NMA)允许将一系列随机临床试验的直接和间接证据结合起来。使用个人病人数据(IPD)进行NMA被视为一种金质标准方法,因为它根据综合数据比NMA具有若干优势。例如,它允许对共变或共变治疗相互作用进行高级建模。IPD NMA的一个重要问题是在术语中选择有影响力的参数,这些参数考虑到不一致、差异、从治疗到治疗的相互作用或不相称的治疗效果对事件数据的时间的影响。在文献中尚未深入研究这一问题,特别是对于时间到活动数据而言。一个主要困难是共同说明跨行业的异质性,这可能对选择过程产生重大影响。使用惩罚性普遍混合效应模型是一种解决办法,但现有的实施有一些缺陷和重要的计算成本,无法用于复杂的IPDDNMA。在这个文章中,我们提议一种惩罚性Poisson回归模型,用于对时间到活动进行IMA进行IMA的及时性研究,特别是对于时间到活动的数据。在计算机模拟过程中,它只能使用固定的计算方法,在对正变现数据进行计算过程中,它只能使用固定的计算。