This paper contributes a new high-quality dataset for hand gesture recognition in hand hygiene systems, named "MFH". Generally, current datasets are not focused on: (i) fine-grained actions; and (ii) data mismatch between different viewpoints, which are available under realistic settings. To address the aforementioned issues, the MFH dataset is proposed to contain a total of 731147 samples obtained by different camera views in 6 non-overlapping locations. Additionally, each sample belongs to one of seven steps introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO). As a minor contribution, inspired by advances in fine-grained image recognition and distribution adaptation, this paper recommends using the self-supervised learning method to handle these preceding problems. The extensive experiments on the benchmarking MFH dataset show that the introduced method yields competitive performance in both the Accuracy and the Macro F1-score. The code and the MFH dataset are available at
翻译:本文为手卫生体系中的手势识别提供了一个称为“MFH”的新的高质量数据集。一般而言,目前的数据集并不侧重于:(一) 细微的放大行动;和(二) 在现实环境中可得到的不同观点之间的数据不匹配,为了解决上述问题,提议MFH数据集包含在6个非重叠地点通过不同相机视图获得的总共73,1147个样本。此外,每个样本属于世界卫生组织(世卫组织)提出的七个步骤之一。在微小图像识别和分布适应方面的进展的启发下,本文建议使用自我监督的学习方法处理前面的问题。关于MFH数据集基准的广泛实验表明,采用的方法在准确性和Mcroma F1-score中都具有竞争性性。代码和MFH数据集可在 hand-gesture-devication-smc2021上查阅。