Bosonic or continuous-variable coding is a field concerned with robust quantum information processing and communication with electromagnetic signals or mechanical modes. I review bosonic quantum memories, characterizing them as either bosonic stabilizer or bosonic Fock-state codes. I then enumerate various applications of bosonic encodings, four of which circumvent no-go theorems due to the intrinsic infinite-dimensionality of bosonic systems.
翻译:bosonic 或 连续变量编码是一个涉及强力量子信息处理和与电磁信号或机械模式通信的领域。 我审查bosonic 量子记忆,将其定性为bosonic 稳定器或bosonic Fock- state 代码。 然后,我列举了bosonic 编码的各种应用,其中四种应用由于bosonic 系统固有的无限维度而绕过了不切实际的定理。