We consider an online assortment problem with $[n]:=\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ sellers, each holding exactly one item $i\in[n]$ with initial inventory $c_i\in \mathbb{Z}_+$, and a sequence of homogeneous buyers arriving over a finite time horizon $t=1,2,\ldots,m$. There is an online platform whose goal is to offer a subset $S_t\subseteq [n]$ of sellers to the arriving buyer at time $t$ to maximize the expected revenue derived over the entire horizon while respecting the inventory constraints. Given an assortment $S_t$ at time $t$, it is assumed that the buyer will select an item from $S_t$ based on the well-known multinomial logit model, a well-justified choice model from the economic literature. In this model, the revenue obtained from selling an item $i$ at a given time $t$ critically depends on the assortment $S_t$ offered at that time and is given by the Nash equilibrium of a Bertrand game among the sellers in $S_t$. This imposes a strong dependence/externality among the offered assortments, sellers' revenues, and inventory levels. Despite that challenge, we devise a constant competitive algorithm for the online assortment problem with homogeneous buyers. We also show that the online assortment problem with heterogeneous buyers does not admit a constant competitive algorithm. To compensate for that issue, we then consider the assortment problem under an offline setting with heterogeneous buyers. Under a mild market consistency assumption, we show that the generalized Bertrand game admits a pure Nash equilibrium over general buyer-seller bipartite graphs. Finally, we develop an $O(\ln m)$-approximation algorithm for optimal market segmentation of the generalized Bertrand game which allows the platform to derive higher revenues by partitioning the market into smaller pools.
翻译:我们认为,在网上销售者存在一个在线排序问题 $[$]:$[1,2,\ldot,]美元卖家,每个销售者都持有一个完全以美元计价的项目,初始存货为美元/美元/美元/美元(mathbb ⁇ 美元),以及一组在有限时间范围内抵达的同质买家的序列 $t=1,2,\ldots,m。有一个在线平台,目标是向到达的买主提供一个子子S_t\subseeteq[n]美元,以时价为美元(美元)补偿整个地平价的预期收益,同时尊重库存限制。鉴于一个以美元/美元计价的Associalal_talalalalalalalation, 买方将选择一个从美元到美元(美元/美元)的美元(美元)市价(美元)市价(美元)的市值(美元/市值(美元)的市值(美元)市值(美元)的市值(美元/市值(美元)的市值(美元)市值(美元)的市值(美元)的市值(美元)市值(美元) 市值的市值的市值(美元/市值的市值的市值的市值的市值的市值)的市的市值)的市值的市值的市值的市值) 的市值) 的市值的市值(美元)的市的市的市际交易) 的市际交易的市值(也顯示的市的市的市的市的市值的市的市值的市值的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市間的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市的市