In rendez-vous protocols an arbitrarily large number of indistinguishable finite-state agents interact in pairs. The cut-off problem asks if there exists a number $B$ such that all initial configurations of the protocol with at least $B$ agents in a given initial state can reach a final configuration with all agents in a given final state. In a recent paper (Horn and Sangnier, CONCUR 2020), Horn and Sangnier proved that the cut-off problem is decidable (and at least as hard as the Petri net reachability problem) for protocols with a leader, and in EXPSPACE for leaderless protocols. Further, for the special class of symmetric protocols they reduce these bounds to PSPACE and NP, respectively. The problem of lowering these upper bounds or finding matching lower bounds was left open. We show that the cut-off problem is P-complete for leaderless protocols and in NC for leaderless symmetric protocols. Further, we also consider a variant of the cut-off problem suggested in (Horn and Sangnier, CONCUR 2020), which we call the bounded-loss cut-off problem and prove that this problem is P-complete for leaderless protocols and NL-complete for leaderless symmetric protocols. Finally, by reusing some of the techniques applied for the analysis of leaderless protocols, we show that the cut-off problem for symmetric protocols with a leader is NP-complete, thereby improving upon all the elementary upper bounds of (Horn and Sangnier, CONCUR 2020).
翻译:在重新确定协议中,任意存在大量无法区分的有限国家代理人,它们彼此互动。禁产问题询问是否存在一个数目为$B$的数值,因此在某个初始状态中,至少有美元代理人的所有协议初始配置都能够与特定最终状态中的所有代理人达成最终配置。在最近的一篇论文(Horn和Sangnier,CONCUR 2020)中,Horn和Sangnier证明,对于一个领导人的协议来说,禁产问题是可以解决的(至少和Preti净可达性问题一样难解决 ), 而对于没有领导人的协议来说,在EXPSPACE 中,是否存在一个数目为$B$B$$的初始配置。此外,对于特殊类的对等协议的初始配置,它们可以分别减少PSPACE和NP的界限。 降低这些上限或找到匹配的下限的问题尚未解决 。 我们的禁产问题对于无领导人协议来说是P-frical-commission 问题。 此外,我们还认为,“不透明的” 问题的一个变式问题(H-Sangnier, CON-C-cal-cal commal commissional ex laim ex) 问题是我们用来证明, 20202020) 和“不成熟” 问题是用来验证问题。