We explore the correlation between the sentiment arcs of H. C. Andersen's fairy tales and their popularity, measured as their average score on the platform GoodReads. Specifically, we do not conceive a story's overall sentimental trend as predictive \textit{per se}, but we focus on its coherence and predictability over time as represented by the arc's Hurst exponent. We find that degrading Hurst values tend to imply degrading quality scores, while a Hurst exponent between .55 and .65 might indicate a "sweet spot" for literary appreciation.
翻译:我们探索了H. C. Andersen童话故事的情绪弧度和其受欢迎程度之间的相互关系,以他们在《好读》平台上的平均得分来衡量。 具体地说,我们不把一个故事的总体情感趋势想象成预测性\ textit{per se},但我们一直关注其一致性和可预测性,正如Arc's Hurst的表率所表现的那样。 我们发现,贬低的赫斯特价值观往往意味着低劣的质量评分,而55和.65之间的赫斯特指数可能表示文学欣赏的“甜点 ” 。