Identifying political perspective in news media has become an important task due to the rapid growth of political commentary and the increasingly polarized ideologies. Previous approaches only focus on leveraging the semantic information and leaves out the rich social and political context that helps individuals understand political stances. In this paper, we propose a perspective detection method that incorporates external knowledge of real-world politics. Specifically, we construct a contemporary political knowledge graph with 1,071 entities and 10,703 triples. We then build a heterogeneous information network for each news document that jointly models article semantics and external knowledge in knowledge graphs. Finally, we apply gated relational graph convolutional networks and conduct political perspective detection as graph-level classification. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves the best performance and outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 5.49\%. Numerous ablation studies further bear out the necessity of external knowledge and the effectiveness of our graph-based approach.