Stephen Wolfram and Gerard 't Hooft developed classical models of quantum mechanics. We show that the descriptive complexity grows differently as a function of time in each model. Therefore, they cannot describe the same physical system. In addition, we propose an interpretation of the Wolfram model, which shares some characteristics with 't Hooft's model, but which involves a non-computable function.
翻译:Stephen Wolfram 和 Gerard't Hoopt 开发了典型的量子力学模型。 我们显示描述的复杂性随着每个模型的时间函数而变化。 因此, 它们无法描述相同的物理系统。 此外, 我们提议对 Wolfram 模型进行解释, 该模型与“ t Hoop ” 模型具有一些共同的特性, 但它包含一个不可计算功能 。