Wireless communications and sensing at terahertz (THz) band are increasingly investigated as promising short-range technologies because of the availability of high operational bandwidth at THz. In order to address the extremely high attenuation at THz, ultra-massive multiple-input multiple-output (UM-MIMO) antenna systems have been proposed for THz communications to compensate propagation losses. However, the cost and power associated with fully digital beamformers of these huge antenna arrays are prohibitive. In this paper, we develop THz hybrid beamformers based on both model-based and model-free techniques for a new group-of-subarrays (GoSA) UM-MIMO structure. Further, driven by the recent developments to save the spectrum, we propose beamformers for a joint UM-MIMO radar-communications system, wherein the base station serves multi-antenna user equipment (RX), and tracks radar targets by generating multiple beams toward both RX and the targets. We formulate the GoSA beamformer design as an optimization problem to provide a trade-off between the unconstrained communications beamformers and the desired radar beamformers. Additionally, our design also exploits second-order channel statistics so that an infrequent channel feedback from the RX is achieved with less channel overhead. To further decrease the UM-MIMO computational complexity and enhance robustness, we also implement deep learning solutions to the proposed model-based hybrid beamformers. Numerical experiments demonstrate that both techniques outperform the conventional approaches in terms of spectral efficiency and radar beampatterns, as well as exhibiting less hardware cost and computation time.
翻译:Thahertz (Thz) 频段的无线通信和感测日益被调查为有希望的短程技术,因为Thz 拥有高操作带宽。为了解决Thz超大超大超模多输出多输出输出(UM-MIMO)天线系统极高的衰减问题,我们提议为Thz 通信提供超大超大超载多输出(UM-MIMO)天线系统,以弥补传播损失。然而,与这些巨大的天线阵列完全数字光束相关的成本和动力令人望而却望而却步。在本文中,我们根据基于模型和无模型的技术开发Thz 混合的硬件。我们把GoSA 设计为基于模型的和不使用模型的技术,以新组合的超精度超精度超精度超频谱超频谱超频谱结构(GoSA) UMMMIMO结构。此外,由于最近的发展,我们为节省了超强的轨道数据传输速度,因此可以将常规的轨道进行更精确的计算。