The design of online platforms is both critically important and challenging, as any changes may lead to unintended consequences, and it can be hard to predict how users will react. Here we conduct a case study of a particularly important real-world platform design change: Twitter's decision to double the character limit from 140 to 280 characters to soothe users' need to ''cram'' or ''squeeze'' their tweets, informed by modeling of historical user behavior. In our analysis, we contrast Twitter's anticipated pre-intervention predictions about user behavior with actual post-intervention user behavior: Did the platform design change lead to the intended user behavior shifts, or did a gap between anticipated and actual behavior emerge? Did different user groups react differently? We find that even though users do not ''cram'' as much under 280 characters as they used to under 140 characters, emergent ``cramming'' at the new limit seems to not have been taken into account when designing the platform change. Furthermore, investigating textual features, we find that, although post-intervention ''crammed'' tweets are longer, their syntactic and semantic characteristics remain similar and indicative of ''squeezing''. Applying the same approach as Twitter policy-makers, we create updated counterfactual estimates and find that the character limit would need to be increased further to reduce cramming that re-emerged at the new limit. We contribute to the rich literature studying online user behavior with an empirical study that reveals a dynamic interaction between platform design and user behavior, with immediate policy and practical implications for the design of socio-technical systems.
翻译:在线平台的设计既至关重要,也具有挑战性,因为任何变化都可能导致意想不到的后果,而且很难预测用户会如何反应。我们在这里对一个特别重要的现实世界平台设计变化进行案例研究:Twitter决定将字符限制从140个字符翻至280个字符,将用户的“cram”或“queeze”的“coothe ”的“creat”的“creat ”推文翻倍,以模拟历史用户的行为为根据。在我们的分析中,我们将Twitter预期的对用户行为的干预前预测与实际的干预用户行为与实际的“干预”用户行为对比起来:平台设计是否导致用户行为转移,或者预期行为和实际行为之间是否出现差距?不同的用户群体的反应不同?我们发现,即使用户的“cartimm”的字符限制从140个增加到280个字符以下,但在设计平台改变时似乎没有考虑到新的限制。此外,我们对文字平台的特征特征特征特征分析,我们发现,虽然后插入的“crammed”推文的推文是更长的,但其设计定义和缩缩缩缩缩缩缩的逻辑和缩缩缩缩缩略图。