Insecure connected devices can cause serious threats not just to smart home owners, but also the underlying infrastructural network as well. There has been increasing academic and regulatory interest in addressing cybersecurity risks from both the standpoint of Internet of Things (IoT) vendors and that of end-users. In addition to the current data protection and network security legal frameworks, for example, the UK government has initiated the 'Secure by Design' campaign. While there has been work on how organisations and individuals manage their own cybersecurity risks, it remains unclear to what extent IoT vendors are supporting end-users to perform day-to-day management of such risks in a usable way, and what is stopping the vendors from improving such support. We interviewed 13 experts in the field of IoT and identified three main categories of barriers to making IoT products usably secure: technical, legal and organisational. In this paper we further discuss the policymaking implications of these findings and make some recommendations.
翻译:• 除了现有的数据保护和网络安全法律框架之外,联合王国政府还发起了“设计安全”运动;虽然已经就组织和个人如何管理自己的网络安全风险开展了工作,但仍然不清楚互联网供应商在多大程度上支持终端用户以可用方式对此类风险进行日常管理,以及是什么阻止供应商改进这种支持。