Cloud computing is the broad and diverse phenomenon. Users are allowed to store huge amount of data on cloud storage for future use. Most of the cloud service providers store data in plain text format or in secured manner but client will not be known the method in which it is stored. Homomorphic encryption is the encryption which allows the operation on cipher text thus generating an encrypted result which when decrypted, matches the result of operations performed on the plaintext. This is sometimes a desirable feature in modern communication system architectures. There are several homomorphic algorithms, one of them is AHEE. User need to use their own encryption algorithm to secure their data if required. The data needs to be decrypted whenever it is to be processed. In this paper, we have focused on providing security to the client using AHEE algorithm at the client side, for any data to be stored in the cloud.
翻译:云计算是一种广泛而多样的现象。 用户可以储存大量云存储数据, 供未来使用。 大多数云服务供应商都以纯文本格式或安全的方式存储数据, 但客户不会知道数据储存的方法。 单态加密是加密, 允许对加密文本进行操作, 从而产生加密结果, 加密后, 解密后, 与在平文本上进行操作的结果相匹配。 这在现代通信系统结构中有时是一个可取的特征 。 有几种同质算法, 其中之一是 AHE。 用户需要使用自己的加密算法来保证数据的安全 。 每当处理时, 数据都需要解密 。 在本文中, 我们的重点是在客户侧使用 AHE 算法为客户提供安全保障, 以便将任何数据储存在云中 。